what i had forgotten
His want His love to be accepted freely by all. Yet how can one accept when not given?
this love that He has so freely given is selfishly kept within me.
I always said to my sheep, lg, and my shep, that His love fills me, but when I intentionally stop its overflow, I’m submerged in my bitterness, my over-protectiveness, that I forget the very essence of His love.
Reminded once again why I do what I do, and while I have my fears and thoughts clouding my mind, it is You who is my confidence and therefore I will be faithful with what I have been given, knowing that in giving my best, my Father is proud of me and I can dare ask Him for more.
this love that He has so freely given is selfishly kept within me.
I always said to my sheep, lg, and my shep, that His love fills me, but when I intentionally stop its overflow, I’m submerged in my bitterness, my over-protectiveness, that I forget the very essence of His love.
Reminded once again why I do what I do, and while I have my fears and thoughts clouding my mind, it is You who is my confidence and therefore I will be faithful with what I have been given, knowing that in giving my best, my Father is proud of me and I can dare ask Him for more.