the greatest lover of my soul is my valentine

so much tears shed today.. and mere words can't describe how I felt today, so so so touched once again by God.
He overwhelmed me with his love once again.
Pastor Jennifer came to share her testimony, and I felt that the whole service is meant for me.
That God would reserve a service, that's totally for me. He gave the exact words that I need through Pastor Jennifer.
Tears kept streaming down my face, even the ushers next to me are tearing too..
Throughout the service, there were many times im holding my tears, feeling a little awkward with people around me, and I seems to feel God's gentle eyes looking at me, holding me in his arms and says " I understand". My tears cant hold back anymore...

Every words that Pastor Jennifer said," I was at the bottomless pit, so much pain that I didn't even want to recall."
"I almost want to end my life want I was 14"

These were the exact feelings and experience I have. God saved my life. Literally, not just my soul.
If is not for God, I would be dead. For living a meaningless life is as good as dying.
She shared how God comforted her in one of the DTS meet, she shared her past with her Christian community, there were no judgements at all ( not that it matters), but just love.
They prayed for her, for healing. And she couldn't help crying too, and the words that God said..
"The Father loves you, The father forgives you, The father is proud of you..."


These were the very words that I ever needed. A few simple sentences, but meant so so much to me, words that spoke to the depths of my heart. Word that came out from my almighty king and dad...
That even if the whole world don't understand or find it hard to accept, yet you love.
And who am I to let you say that you are proud of me? proud of someone who has such a past?
Im just so touched...

" I did not write this book because im brave, is because im free"
" do you wanna be free in Christ?"
YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!! was my only reply, the only word that came up in my mind.

This is the best valentine ever. 14/2/2015.
frequently cried when I sing the song " you are"
but this time round, the cause of my tears are different. because it is you singing the song to me instead...

" you are, the love of my life"
"you are, the hope that I cling to"
"you mean, more than this world to me"

" I wouldn't trade you for silver or gold"
" I wouldn't trade you for riches untold"
" you are, you are my everything"


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