God is close to the broken hearted.

 God, listened to Belinda testimony and heard how her parents and sister came to know Christ.
because of this life tangibly changed and by her showing them that Christ is love and is the way.
this is truly inspiring and encouraging for me.
and I especially like what she said about the broken hearted. she felt that god let her go through tough times of being rejected, depression and absolutely no self-esteem so that she knows exactly how it felt like to be in need and to relate and provide help for people who felt the same way.

and one thing almost convicted my heart, she took a 6 months leave, obeying God despite the high cost of her job, to go for bible college.
wow... I know the importance of your word lord, and I know obedience comes at a price.
But Belinda shared your providence over her as well.
and I want to have faith, that you will give me courage and you will bring me there.
Cant help to think of Meiyen as well..
That whatever broken past she have gone through is to help her understand, and help her empathize with the people around her facing the same things. this is why her story is so so powerful and I believed it can touch souls. I truly believed that.

Grow her Lord! use her! she is such a precious gem and has so much potential to be pruned and shine for you. I really am so excited how her life is going to shine for you.
I pray that one day as she is reading this. She has already grown into a women of God, a women that is after your heart, your people, a heart that is always so soft, so humble, so loving and merciful.


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