ride the rainbow

"Thirty years ago, my colleagues, younger and more dreamy eyed, settled the words of our pledge. We did not focus our minds on our navels or we would have missed the rainbow in the sky. We pursued that rainbow and that was how we came to build today’s Singapore"

"There is a glorious rainbow that beckons those with the spirit of adventure. And there are rich findings at the end of that rainbow."

"To the young and the not too old, I say look at the horizon, find that rainbow, go ride it. Not all will be rich; quite a few will find a vein of gold but all who pursue that rainbow will have a joyous and exhilarating ride and some profit."

Mr Lee Kuan Yew

Looking at Lee Kuan Yew, how he gave up his life for the good of others, for the generation and future one to come to have a better life. How he sees the value of what he is doing..

Also reminded of Jesus Christ, how he gave up his life, sacrifice for us when he did no wrong, to that he may be sin and die for our sin, so that we will be righteous and justified in God. How he also sees value in us, the love and grace, that led him to the cross..

What about you Geraldine? How do you want your life to be lived?
What does it really mean to live before you die?
How would you want God to use you so that you lived life to the fullest, not all for myself, but for God and the good of his people?
Is what I'm living for worth Christ dying for?

Chase after it! Ride the rainbow :)



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