
Jesus is not terribly impressed with religious commercialism. He is concerned not only whether we're doing God's work, but also how and why we're doing it. At the judgement seat of Christ, his main questions for me will have to do not with the growth of the ministry, but why I choose to serve in the church- in what spirit.

If people left a meeting talking about what a wonderful sermon I gave or how beautifully the music sounds, the meeting had failed. But if people went home saying things like " Isnt God good?" It was a good meeting. we must never override prayer as the defining mark of God's dwelling.

Jer 29:13 You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.

Prayer ought to enter into the spiritual habits, but it ceases to be prayer when it is carried on by habit only. Desire gives fervor to prayer.
The soul cannot be listless when some great desire fixes and inflames it... Strong desires make strong prayers.

Was so touched and I teared to hear the testimony of the boys at "salt mines"
Ricardo is the main troublemaker and suffer from homosexuality. And God saved and touched him. He came out of pitch blankness and into the light.

Charles Spurgeon once said that when a jeweller shows his best diamonds, he sets them against a black velvet. In the same way, God does his most stunning work where things seem hopeless.

Wherever there is pain, suffering, and desperation, Jesus is. What better place for the brilliance of Christ to shine?


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