Fresh wind, fresh fire
As a Christian, no longer the duration, we need fresh wind, fresh fire.
"for the sake of the world, burn like a fire in me."
"Im not qualified," I protested. "Me, a LGL? or me, a worship leader in district level? I have no idea how to be one.."
He said," When I call someone, that's all that really matters. Don't let yourself be afraid."
After all, people weren't hungry for fancy sermons or organizational polish. They just wanted love. They wanted to know that God could pick them up and give them a second chance.
God taking hopeless, even crazy people and changing them. Is not just a lip service or teaching to the idea that God can do anything. He really can! We need to have real faith that anyone who walked in, regardless of his or her problems, could become a trophy of God's grace
I discovered an astonishing truth: God is attracted to weakness. He cant resist those who humbly and honestly admit how desperately they need him.
You can tell popular or fun-loving the brothers or sisters are who comes on Wednesday night.
You can tell how popular the pastor or evangelist is by who comes for conferences or teaching.
But you can tell how popular Jesus is, by who comes to the prayer meeting..
Never wanna compromise on prayer meet as well, never wanna miss a moment when god can just speak, giving me fresh wind, fresh fire. Prayer cannot truly be taught by principles and seminars and symposiums. It has to be born out of a whole environment of felt need. If I say, " I ought to pray" I will soon run out of motivation and quit; the flesh is too strong. I have to be driven to pray. The more we pray, the more we sense our need to pray. And the more we sense a need to pray, the more we want to pray.
It is often mistaken that God does whatever he pleases, people cant influence him one way or the other, he is the almightly king.
But no, that's wrong. when you call out to him, he doesn't turn a deaf ear. He listens! He responds! he acts!
"I'll help you, I really will. When you're ready to throw up your hands, throw them up to me."
Psalm 50:15" I will deliver you, and you will honour me" "call upon me in the day of trouble"
God desire praise from our lives.. but the only fresh praise and honour comes when we keep coming to him in times of needs and difficulty. Then he will intervene to show himself strong on our behalf, and we will know that he has done it.
Was so touched by Roberta Langella.. " Daddy, I know this is hard for you to hear. But I have to say it, because it shows how Jesus can forgive the worst in a person's life."
How she is willing to go all out to share the goodness of God is her life. Sometimes I have so much fear and insecurities, but have forgotten the love and courage God has been pouring out.
Revivial starts when a ministry no longer measured by numbers and building size but rather than by true spiritual results.
Sometimes i felt breathless and in need just before having to lead worship. God, how am i going to get through it today? I don't want to make myself the center of attention. the people have problems of their own- they're coming for help and encouragement. but what about me? im hanging by a thread. Somehow god would pull my nerves tgh enough to hang on another day. I had to control myself to stay focused on the people and their needs though i felt like interceding for myself.
In my moments of fear, though every pain, every tear, there's a God who's been faithful to me.
When my strength was all gone, when m heart had no song, still in love he's proved faithful to me.
Every word he's promised is true;
What i thought was impossible, I see my God do.
He's been faithful to me, Looking back at his love and mercy i see. Thought in my heart i have questioned, even failed to believe, yet he's been faithful to me.
When my heart looked away, the many times i could not pray, still my god he was faithful to me. the days i spent so selfishly, reaching out for what pleased me; even then god was faithful to me. Everytime i come back to him, he is waiting with open arms and i see once again.
"for the sake of the world, burn like a fire in me."
"Im not qualified," I protested. "Me, a LGL? or me, a worship leader in district level? I have no idea how to be one.."
He said," When I call someone, that's all that really matters. Don't let yourself be afraid."
After all, people weren't hungry for fancy sermons or organizational polish. They just wanted love. They wanted to know that God could pick them up and give them a second chance.
God taking hopeless, even crazy people and changing them. Is not just a lip service or teaching to the idea that God can do anything. He really can! We need to have real faith that anyone who walked in, regardless of his or her problems, could become a trophy of God's grace
I discovered an astonishing truth: God is attracted to weakness. He cant resist those who humbly and honestly admit how desperately they need him.
You can tell popular or fun-loving the brothers or sisters are who comes on Wednesday night.
You can tell how popular the pastor or evangelist is by who comes for conferences or teaching.
But you can tell how popular Jesus is, by who comes to the prayer meeting..
Never wanna compromise on prayer meet as well, never wanna miss a moment when god can just speak, giving me fresh wind, fresh fire. Prayer cannot truly be taught by principles and seminars and symposiums. It has to be born out of a whole environment of felt need. If I say, " I ought to pray" I will soon run out of motivation and quit; the flesh is too strong. I have to be driven to pray. The more we pray, the more we sense our need to pray. And the more we sense a need to pray, the more we want to pray.
It is often mistaken that God does whatever he pleases, people cant influence him one way or the other, he is the almightly king.
But no, that's wrong. when you call out to him, he doesn't turn a deaf ear. He listens! He responds! he acts!
"I'll help you, I really will. When you're ready to throw up your hands, throw them up to me."
Psalm 50:15" I will deliver you, and you will honour me" "call upon me in the day of trouble"
God desire praise from our lives.. but the only fresh praise and honour comes when we keep coming to him in times of needs and difficulty. Then he will intervene to show himself strong on our behalf, and we will know that he has done it.
Was so touched by Roberta Langella.. " Daddy, I know this is hard for you to hear. But I have to say it, because it shows how Jesus can forgive the worst in a person's life."
How she is willing to go all out to share the goodness of God is her life. Sometimes I have so much fear and insecurities, but have forgotten the love and courage God has been pouring out.
Revivial starts when a ministry no longer measured by numbers and building size but rather than by true spiritual results.
Sometimes i felt breathless and in need just before having to lead worship. God, how am i going to get through it today? I don't want to make myself the center of attention. the people have problems of their own- they're coming for help and encouragement. but what about me? im hanging by a thread. Somehow god would pull my nerves tgh enough to hang on another day. I had to control myself to stay focused on the people and their needs though i felt like interceding for myself.
In my moments of fear, though every pain, every tear, there's a God who's been faithful to me.
When my strength was all gone, when m heart had no song, still in love he's proved faithful to me.
Every word he's promised is true;
What i thought was impossible, I see my God do.
He's been faithful to me, Looking back at his love and mercy i see. Thought in my heart i have questioned, even failed to believe, yet he's been faithful to me.
When my heart looked away, the many times i could not pray, still my god he was faithful to me. the days i spent so selfishly, reaching out for what pleased me; even then god was faithful to me. Everytime i come back to him, he is waiting with open arms and i see once again.