are you there Lord?

Truly you are a God who hides himself,” (Isaiah 45:15). The One who absconds, Deus absconditus. Perhaps, God also feels pleasure in being found? After all, no one wants to be left alone, undiscovered. Meister Eckhart puts it this way, “God is like a person who clears his throat while hiding and so gives himself away,” It struck me how much restraint it takes for an almighty God to be watching in at His beloved creation from the darkness of the stairwell, peering in through glass-panels at a world going by, a world that has seemingly forgotten about Him

If God simply wanted to make His presence known, He would not hide. But in respecting the freedom in which He granted His creation, He has to watch from the sidelines, literally dying to be noticed, for the direct presence of God would inevitably overwhelm our freedom, with sight


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