“Let the glory of Your Name, be the passion of the church.” That line of Chris Tomlin’s kept resounding in my mind the entire day, and I found myself getting increasingly excited about what it exactly entails.
I realised how much more I could be consumed by a passion for God’s glory. A passion that is not merely toward a certain lifestyle or event, but that wild, captivating, reckless abandonment of myself for Christ. How much more I could live for the glory of His name; not merely in the offering of my life trying to live like His, but living my own life as authentically as Christ lived His. It’s that ardent desire to be consumed by something beyond my own life, to have my heart set aflame with life’s true character (Isaiah 43:7). Perhaps if I could really posture my life as such, then living for the glory of God would very much extend to living for each other. Where through my life, God’s glory then becomes visible in a loving community, in my spiritual family, my own family, and in the gentle spots in my heart where I invite others to walk barefooted. In a passion for His glory, we who call ourselves “little Christs”, may very well indeed discover more of God’s mystery in each other and ourselves when we participate in His life.
I make a prayer in all its simplicity. That my life’s passion be for the glory of Your name. Let my Christian life on earth be simply the beginning of a heavenly existence, where through that same passion I lose myself and be found by You.
I realised how much more I could be consumed by a passion for God’s glory. A passion that is not merely toward a certain lifestyle or event, but that wild, captivating, reckless abandonment of myself for Christ. How much more I could live for the glory of His name; not merely in the offering of my life trying to live like His, but living my own life as authentically as Christ lived His. It’s that ardent desire to be consumed by something beyond my own life, to have my heart set aflame with life’s true character (Isaiah 43:7). Perhaps if I could really posture my life as such, then living for the glory of God would very much extend to living for each other. Where through my life, God’s glory then becomes visible in a loving community, in my spiritual family, my own family, and in the gentle spots in my heart where I invite others to walk barefooted. In a passion for His glory, we who call ourselves “little Christs”, may very well indeed discover more of God’s mystery in each other and ourselves when we participate in His life.
I make a prayer in all its simplicity. That my life’s passion be for the glory of Your name. Let my Christian life on earth be simply the beginning of a heavenly existence, where through that same passion I lose myself and be found by You.