
Showing posts from March, 2015

a time

There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens: a time to be born and a time to die, a time to plant and a time to uproot, a time to kill and a time to heal, a time to tear down and a time to build, ... a time to weep and a time to laugh, a time to mourn and a time to dance...

Hero Teacher Sonya Romero

so touched by this teacher, who gave her all to the children in need. "there is hope in this world, in human mankind, this hope is in Jesus."


listened to LKY's state funeral, compelling me to meditate on his character and beliefs. In awe of his wisdom and character, and the principals he has held on to ALL his life. standing firm and being honest. His determination and drive to improve even at old age; learning computers and strive to work on his Chinese language, despite it already being so good. Like what he'd said, " What I fear is complacency. When things become better, people tend to want more for less work." Kinda relates to my serving for the Lord... be complacent with my guitar skills, when I should constantly strive to be better to serve better and also building on the word of god. he also believe to be correct, not politically correct. Making decision as a leader even when people might dislike him and the risk of losing his popularity.  if you want to be popular all the time, you will mis-govern. He encourages us to be pragmatic; dealing with things sensibly and r...

ride the rainbow

"Thirty years ago, my colleagues, younger and more dreamy eyed, settled the words of our pledge. We did not focus our minds on our navels or we would have missed the rainbow in the sky. We pursued that rainbow and that was how we came to build today’s Singapore" "There is a glorious rainbow that beckons those with the spirit of adventure. And there are rich findings at the end of that rainbow." "To the young and the not too old, I say look at the horizon, find that rainbow, go ride it. Not all will be rich; quite a few will find a vein of gold but all who pursue that rainbow will have a joyous and exhilarating ride and some profit." Mr Lee Kuan Yew Looking at Lee Kuan Yew, how he gave up his life for the good of others, for the generation and future one to come to have a better life. How he sees the value of what he is doing.. Also reminded of Jesus Christ, how he gave up his life, sacrifice for us when he did no wrong, to that he may be sin ...


It is true that the hurt often see no other way than to move on to hurt others, simply because they have not known love. And for the healed, how can one contain the quiet joy and freedom that bursts forth from being made whole? It must be true that the healed move on to heal others I let myself be submerged in waves after waves of feelings and I struggled, in ways that I have never known to exist and in doing so, I couldn’t find my way out. Even seeing a little light in all these, I’m not discounting the painfully real human experiences and emotions that are a part of me. I hold on to your truth. Sometimes, He lets us stay broken in ways that we might not feel comfortable with, in ways that we might not expect, because it’s like that shattered, it’s like that broken vessel, that His light can beam through. How long, Lord ? Will you forget me forever? How long will you hide your face from me? How long must I wrestle with my thoughts and day after day have sorrow in my ...

Thank you Lord

I remember those days When I needed Your grace And You showed to me How good You are to me I remember those years It was filled with tears But You showed to me How Your presence is with me Thank You Lord I just want to Thank You Lord For You are faithful For You are beautiful Thank You Lord

amazing grace

amazing grace, how sweet the sound, that saved a wretch such as me... Xie xie ni Jesus. Zhen de xie xie. You are my salvation, you are my joy. you saved me from the death of valleys, when I was at my lowest point of my life. Thank you for saving me, literally. For always being there. xie xie ni, xie xie ni, xie xie ni. My heart is so filled with gratitude. the only thing I can do now is to give you my heart. Thank you God that despite all that I have done, You called me beautiful, You called me your child. You called me your daughter. What an honour. :''') You are truly salvation, truly loving and kind. " I once was lost, but now, I'm found was blind, but now I see...."


“Let the glory of Your Name, be the passion of the church.” That line of Chris Tomlin’s kept resounding in my mind the entire day, and I found myself getting increasingly excited about what it exactly entails. I realised how much more I could be consumed by a passion for God’s glory. A passion that is not merely toward a certain lifestyle or event, but that wild, captivating, reckless abandonment of myself for Christ. How much more I could live for the glory of His name; not merely in the offering of my life trying to live like His, but living my own life as authentically as Christ lived His. It’s that ardent desire to be consumed by something beyond my own life, to have my heart set aflame with life’s true character (Isaiah 43:7). Perhaps if I could really posture my life as such, then living for the glory of God would very much extend to living for each other. Where through my life, God’s glory then becomes visible in a loving community, in my spiritual family, my own family, and i...


emmm... deep thoughts today again Lord.. never expected seal to affect me quite a big lord. perhaps is not seal in itself. but more of how others view or see me. Merly, Liwei, Rebby, Edwink and Matthew were all expecting me to rise up. I'm sorry to say that I will disappoint them. I'm okay to serve as a core team, there are more to prune in my life, and I can commit more time in my tamar village ministry. But what makes me downcast is not meeting the expectation people have of me I guess. And that was when I realised I totally missed the point of Christianity and serving. It is never about me and others, but about me and God. God says I will rise up, but wait, it's not time yet. Let me prune you more, so that you will be a better leader and blessings to fellow brothers and sisters. Have you been building on your word of God? Have you been getting out of your struggles, your negative thoughts? Is there anyway you desire to serve in your family which might be h...

sabbath spent with le sheep :)

whoa! indeed those who refreshed others will be refreshed also. Ever be: You Father the orphan Your kindness makes us whole You shoulder our weakness And Your strength becomes our own You're making me like you Clothing me in white Bringing beauty from ashes For You will have Your bride Free of all her guilt and rid of all her shame And known by her true name and it's why I sing   Thank you God for calling me daring, when im so unworthy of that title from such a glorious king such as you. :) Thank you for calling me your image-bearer, your beautiful one, when I totally feel that my soul and spirit are not pleasant at all.

Beautiful Batam

teaching is never enough, even if it comes directly from Jesus. Because the disciples did not have the empowerment of the holy spirit, the disciples acted like cowards on the night of Jesus' arrest. Jesus had warned that difficult days would come. Now they were here. Although the attacks later on would come in the form of false teaching or internal division, this blow was physical and frontal. Whether we call ourselves classical evangeliscals, tranditionalists, pentecoastals or charismatics, we all have to face our lack of real power and call uo for a fresh infilling of the Spirit. We must not hide any longer behind some theological argument. The days are too dark and dangerous. Reminded of David and Goliath, running toward the fray. David's weaponry was ridiculous, a sling and 5 stones. It didn't matter. God still uses foolish tools in the hands of weak people to build his kingdom. backed by prayer and his power, we can accomplish the unthinkable. If we prevail in pra...

what's on your shoulder?

psalm 56: 8Record my misery;      list my tears on your scroll [ a ] —      are they not in your record? God is very close to the broken heartened. I give you all of me in exchange of all of you What's on your shoulder? tell God today. :)

you are beautiful

was so depressed for the past 1 month, thinking that I don't deserve to be beautiful, thinking that beauty has no value, because it only bring harm to self in this dangerous world. However, i'm utterly wrong. Beauty is powerful, beauty can inspire, can touch, can be seen. Beauty is God's creation. I was in tears last night when God says I'm beautiful. And I don't mean beauty on the outside or physically. But I meant it as a soul. There's beauty in my soul. I can't stop crying.. Who am I that the almighty king said that of me? I know exactly what I had done, what have been done to me, so horrendous, my thoughts and my actions. I dislike to be beautiful and don't wish to be anymore. But yet God says I am. He makes me go to the mirror last night and tell myself that, and these were the very words I have said to the mirror, believing that it is what God would have said to me. "You are a child of God, You are made in His image, Your broken pie...

are you there Lord?

Truly you are a God who hides himself,” (Isaiah 45:15). The One who absconds, Deus absconditus. Perhaps, God also feels pleasure in being found? After all, no one wants to be left alone, undiscovered. Meister Eckhart puts it this way, “God is like a person who clears his throat while hiding and so gives himself away,” It struck me how much restraint it takes for an almighty God to be watching in at His beloved creation from the darkness of the stairwell, peering in through glass-panels at a world going by, a world that has seemingly forgotten about Him If God simply wanted to make His presence known, He would not hide. But in respecting the freedom in which He granted His creation, He has to watch from the sidelines, literally dying to be noticed, for the direct presence of God would inevitably overwhelm our freedom, with sight