was so depressed for the past 1 month, thinking that I don't deserve to be beautiful, thinking that beauty has no value, because it only bring harm to self in this dangerous world. However, i'm utterly wrong. Beauty is powerful, beauty can inspire, can touch, can be seen. Beauty is God's creation. I was in tears last night when God says I'm beautiful. And I don't mean beauty on the outside or physically. But I meant it as a soul. There's beauty in my soul. I can't stop crying.. Who am I that the almighty king said that of me? I know exactly what I had done, what have been done to me, so horrendous, my thoughts and my actions. I dislike to be beautiful and don't wish to be anymore. But yet God says I am. He makes me go to the mirror last night and tell myself that, and these were the very words I have said to the mirror, believing that it is what God would have said to me. "You are a child of God, You are made in His image, Your broken pie...