Women outreach 3
Lord.. This my third prayer walk and i learnt and felt so much..
Was contemplating if i should go today knowing that i am lack behind in my revision for exams coming in 2 days time..
But still decided to come and im glad i did.. Talked to 2 malay muslim ladies.
One facing family problem, with her sis wanting to commit suicide, and she herself feeling so stress up and hopeless. And the other girl was working as a prostitute, both are Singaporean.
For the first time i felt my bahasa can come to use in God's work.
Both of them accepted our prayers and the latter gal actually teared..
And the prayer warrior cried as well. That lady looks really young, i assume she's in her early 20s, with rows of tattoos at the arm, back and chest.
As usual, there were guys checking her up head to toe, but i wasnt as disgusted and shocked as compared to my first prayer walk. This lady, went on to share abt her past..
Saying that she seeked a muslim organisation for help and counsellor after released from jail, but they rejected her. However, she bumped into shuhui and lili from our ministry, and she said she felt that we were so different, and she really felt the love of God, by how we spoke to her and accepted her. We went on to give the ladies a hug.
And was reminded of what eunice said, a hug, a smile makes a huge difference to them, and it is not abt the money that we could offer them. She hugged back so tightly, knowing that this hug is safe, not like those she experienced every night.
Many of them asked for the same prayer, " protection". And it really quenched my heart hearing that, it just shows how long they have been living in fear and in tormented pain, perhaps much much worse than the hurts I've been through... And am very thankful how god lead people to us, the 2 ladies approached us first and started pouring their hearts out, it seems that they aldy knew that we are different, we are not there to hurt them, but to listen to them, to love them..
And hearing how open they are towards us praying, i was shocked and left in awe.. Even though they know we are praying in the name of jesus and not the allah they believed in. GOD! The harvest is ready! Rise up more christians, especially the guys to talk to the pimps and the lost sheeps wandering at the street of geylang... My third prayer walk and i finally get a chance to have a small talk with the ladies, giving them gifts and a verse.
They looked shock at first, and were afraid of the pimps. But yet from their eyes, i know they appreciate it and were touched. I still rmb that malay lady i spoke to, crying and saying that she is very touched by us, that we are willing to talk to her and love her, when everyone else will think she's disgusting and walk away..
I got reminded of moses and jesus, moses was a prince, and jesus was a king! Yet they came all the way down to reach out to the poor, to the brokenhearted. Sometimes i questioned and worried that they might not open up to me, they might think that my life is good and live in a total opposite world from them, that im young and i will never understand their pain. But i was wrong. These are the people that needs so much prayers and love. Thinking of that just bought tears to my eyes and caused me to look beyond our differences and my inadequacies.
Went for the debrief afterwards, and one brother shared that as a businessman, he had the same worries i had too, but yet, God used him to talk to a pimp, and the pimp was so welcoming and asked him to come around again. One thing he said strucked me is that, we are the light walking into darkness, liternally, u can feel it. The place is just so dark and dead. And you know what?
When light comes, darkness flee. Darkness can never contain the light of God.
Eunice went on to share that they were walking down the streets with abt 8 to 9 ladies, and when they returned an hour later, there were only 2 ladies left and the pimps were trying to lower down their "prices". Some go as low as 25 dollars, 20 dollars. Observing them you can tell that they were feeling worthless, having to lower their price in order for business to be made. And the pimp refused our sisters to give the ladies gifts and talked to them. Afterwards they prayed for a softening of the pimp's heart. And whoa! It worked! *lesson learnt!*
Heard from shuhui that the ladies in textile center just next to my church is not purely karaoke business, but is the same ladies that we were reaching out to. I was shocked!
For 3 years in axis and i didnt know! Decided to join the ministry here that already started doing God's work there.. And was immensely touched to hear that tamar village blessed the ladies with $60 a week so that they dont have to work at the streets.
Lord, as i was feeling stress and downcast abt me being unproductive and procrastinating with my revision, u showed me your heart for them and the hurts they are feeling, and that u will take care of them, and me as well. Thank you lord, for choosing me and calling me your own. I might be facing persecution later as i reached home, but i know my identity and i will continue to trust. "when i am afriad, i will trust in you." " the lord is my shepherd, i shall not be in want."
Was contemplating if i should go today knowing that i am lack behind in my revision for exams coming in 2 days time..
But still decided to come and im glad i did.. Talked to 2 malay muslim ladies.
One facing family problem, with her sis wanting to commit suicide, and she herself feeling so stress up and hopeless. And the other girl was working as a prostitute, both are Singaporean.
For the first time i felt my bahasa can come to use in God's work.
Both of them accepted our prayers and the latter gal actually teared..
And the prayer warrior cried as well. That lady looks really young, i assume she's in her early 20s, with rows of tattoos at the arm, back and chest.
As usual, there were guys checking her up head to toe, but i wasnt as disgusted and shocked as compared to my first prayer walk. This lady, went on to share abt her past..
Saying that she seeked a muslim organisation for help and counsellor after released from jail, but they rejected her. However, she bumped into shuhui and lili from our ministry, and she said she felt that we were so different, and she really felt the love of God, by how we spoke to her and accepted her. We went on to give the ladies a hug.
And was reminded of what eunice said, a hug, a smile makes a huge difference to them, and it is not abt the money that we could offer them. She hugged back so tightly, knowing that this hug is safe, not like those she experienced every night.
Many of them asked for the same prayer, " protection". And it really quenched my heart hearing that, it just shows how long they have been living in fear and in tormented pain, perhaps much much worse than the hurts I've been through... And am very thankful how god lead people to us, the 2 ladies approached us first and started pouring their hearts out, it seems that they aldy knew that we are different, we are not there to hurt them, but to listen to them, to love them..
And hearing how open they are towards us praying, i was shocked and left in awe.. Even though they know we are praying in the name of jesus and not the allah they believed in. GOD! The harvest is ready! Rise up more christians, especially the guys to talk to the pimps and the lost sheeps wandering at the street of geylang... My third prayer walk and i finally get a chance to have a small talk with the ladies, giving them gifts and a verse.
They looked shock at first, and were afraid of the pimps. But yet from their eyes, i know they appreciate it and were touched. I still rmb that malay lady i spoke to, crying and saying that she is very touched by us, that we are willing to talk to her and love her, when everyone else will think she's disgusting and walk away..
I got reminded of moses and jesus, moses was a prince, and jesus was a king! Yet they came all the way down to reach out to the poor, to the brokenhearted. Sometimes i questioned and worried that they might not open up to me, they might think that my life is good and live in a total opposite world from them, that im young and i will never understand their pain. But i was wrong. These are the people that needs so much prayers and love. Thinking of that just bought tears to my eyes and caused me to look beyond our differences and my inadequacies.
Went for the debrief afterwards, and one brother shared that as a businessman, he had the same worries i had too, but yet, God used him to talk to a pimp, and the pimp was so welcoming and asked him to come around again. One thing he said strucked me is that, we are the light walking into darkness, liternally, u can feel it. The place is just so dark and dead. And you know what?
When light comes, darkness flee. Darkness can never contain the light of God.
Eunice went on to share that they were walking down the streets with abt 8 to 9 ladies, and when they returned an hour later, there were only 2 ladies left and the pimps were trying to lower down their "prices". Some go as low as 25 dollars, 20 dollars. Observing them you can tell that they were feeling worthless, having to lower their price in order for business to be made. And the pimp refused our sisters to give the ladies gifts and talked to them. Afterwards they prayed for a softening of the pimp's heart. And whoa! It worked! *lesson learnt!*
Heard from shuhui that the ladies in textile center just next to my church is not purely karaoke business, but is the same ladies that we were reaching out to. I was shocked!
For 3 years in axis and i didnt know! Decided to join the ministry here that already started doing God's work there.. And was immensely touched to hear that tamar village blessed the ladies with $60 a week so that they dont have to work at the streets.
Lord, as i was feeling stress and downcast abt me being unproductive and procrastinating with my revision, u showed me your heart for them and the hurts they are feeling, and that u will take care of them, and me as well. Thank you lord, for choosing me and calling me your own. I might be facing persecution later as i reached home, but i know my identity and i will continue to trust. "when i am afriad, i will trust in you." " the lord is my shepherd, i shall not be in want."