Easter 2015

When I first started out dance ministry in Sep 2014, haha! clearly I was ensure of my moves..
One of the practice for easter 2015!

part 1: http://youtu.be/VW3-L36BVVU


4/4 2015!!
Never imagine one day my prayer of all my secondary school friends coming to Axis come to past.
Will persevere to pray for them, that one day they will come to know the Lord and experience his immerse love. :')
One of the sis in dance that I managed to share life with! She's sharing the same family situation as me..
4 years age gap is nothing! :)
Amazed by the image team, who took an hour for both my makeup and hair.
They were so excited to serve in their gifts and were happy with their "end-product".
So joyful to see them serving with such heart, giving their 5 loaves and 2 fishes as well.
Hey dad! It's a wrap! Thankful to give the little that i have, my 5 loaves and 2 fishes, back to this beautiful house of God.
Really love dancing and getting the people's smile and their engrossed look in return, making service more welcoming and enjoyable for them.
May i never be so indulge in the art of dancing that it overtakes the purpose of me doing what i do. And that people will not merely view dance as what it is outwardly, which encompassed all the various cool and sharp moves, but see inwardly the heart of dancing for that very one and only audience, who is also the reason why I can dance with such joy and freedom. May our relationship be expressed through dance and be one that is ministering to others.
And dad, I was just reflecting about this whole easter 2015 production. Is the first time I play a part in an ESS service. I must say I really really love the church. Is so heart warming to see people that were gifted in different areas, coming together to give their best for the service, so that it will be a ministering one for people.
In connect 401, I see singers worshiping at one side with their guitar, image people doing their best to help us look good, timothy rehearsing and also trying to connect to us, Pastor Jeff praying at one side for more of God's anointing. and of course, the dancers doing what they love.

I am so happy to dance God, to dance in church.
I can't reiterate enough how joyful I really am.

If I get a chance to represent NUS, or even Singapore as an international dancer, it cannot never compare the honour and joy to dance as a child of God in your house.
Dancing in the world most prestigious stage, be it in Singapore Indoor stadium or the esplanade can never compare to the joy I experience dancing for you at church these 2 days.
I will never forget easter 2015, my ever first production,

"Lord I feel like dancing,
It's foolishness I know,
but when the world has seen the light,
they will dance with joy
like i'm dancing now!"


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