accepting how you look

is not as easy as it seems..

reading and have countered experiences from friends who find it hard to accept how they look.
some of my friends with skin condition, and oversized body.. having to face teasing and mean comments from friends and strangers, on almost a DAILY basis.
Is not easy for anyone to deal with it positively. and people starts to be ashamed of themselves, starting to look for change, and it is when they know they can't do anything about it, they ended up committing suicide. Such extreme cases is very often seen in transgender, they do not agree and do not like what they see in mirror, but the most frustrating thing is they can't do anything about it, and having to face the judgemental looks from so many people, their friends or maybe even family.
Such emotional pain and mental struggle is something I might not be able to fully comprehend.

So what exactly is pleasing to God? What exactly should we respond to situation when we find it hard to accept how we look?

Should we change? go for surgery maybe? that gives us confidence, but is that really life? putting your value or esteem on what's outside, shouldn't we work on our inside? to be strong on the inside and accept who we are? But sometimes it's just so hard.... so torturous. Is truly easier said than done.

should we be ashamed of how we look? does removing it helps at all?
personally, running away from problems/ or preventing problems by making changes, is not as effective as facing the problems straight on and strengthen your heart and gain courage.

I have read a story from a gay man who can't stop feeling attracted to man, and he's a Christian.
He struggled, and struggled, and struggled. the nights were filled with tears and he just hate himself.
But instead of changing himself to women or going after his love which is seemingly right as perceived by the LGBT society, he always flee.
He said he might never fall in love with a women, but he shouldn't engaged in homosexuality, though inside he is not straight, but he know all he need to do to be holy, is to be a Jesus's disciple. To be a Jesus's disciple is to follow him.
God never say we must be heterosexual to be called his disciple, he tells us to follow him. that's all.
Are your intention holy? if yes, that's good enough..

So back to the point of accepting how you look. definitely not easy, for people with very bad face condition, permanent ache problems. BUT. beauty comes from the inside. people will be attracted with that beauty which flows from the inside out.

people who don't understand or don't know you will flee and make nasty comments, they may tease and bully.. but people who knows you well are people that you should care and give your attention to.

Learn to embrace yourself. remember what god says about you? you are fearfully and wonderfully made. don't just know it as an information, claim it! know it in your heart and this verse will truly left you in awe. the God who created the universe, the beautiful scenery around you, the water, the trees, created you, not just that, he said you were his BEST creation.
do you truly know what that means?

You are a beautiful creation.


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