being strong

So touched by the service last sat.

 2 of my fav worship songs are sang
Amazing grace.. Reminded again that ur grace and love is enough for me to overcome all my fears, the devil shall not have anymore foothold on me.
Teared again, because im reminded how u have rescued me from that internal hell i once lived in, and I've said before, if i can survive through that, it would only be possible through you...
Thank you Jesus. A thousand, a million thank you is not enough, words are not enough.
At this point and forever more, i can only offer my heart and lay down my life for you and your people.
THANK YOU JESUS FOR SAVING ME! Unending love, amazing grace.
also reminded that strength is not in people who appear tough and build walls to prevent getting hurt, but strength is found in people who are vulnerable, who are willing to love despite being risked to be hurt, and that strength comes from you lord.

I just want you jesuS, I juSt waNt you my loRd I would continually bE distracted, or perhAps be reminded of my pAst agAin, but lord, teach me to fOcus on you, give mE strength to sUbmit mY thoughts tO u and resist thE devil, To resist wHat is not you but SIn, to resiSt unforgiveness.. I just want you JESUS, Nobody else

Dear God,
Dad, you have let me know and show me that I am beautiful. Help me, and set me free from the bondages the devil is getting me into. Do not let the world hardened me, causing me to be more and more different from who u created me to be, someone who is gentle and quiet in spirit.
You want me to be true, vulnerable, to be at peace and to be beautiful.
Do not let me put on a guard and hide my beauty as a self-protection in the world.
Give me wisdom to view from your perspectives of whatever that had happened to me.
Tell me, and show me in your most tangible ways of how much i mean to you.
Romance me and let me know that only u can satisfy me. You are my saviour, a beautiful one. :'):')
I love you jesus. you are my only hope. in your presence, you'll restore me.
I must dwell in your presence everyday Jesus

Love, your child


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