
Showing posts from February, 2015

im ruined, a glorious ruins

let the ruins come to life, at the beauty of your name, rising up from the ashes, God forever you reign. I was once ruined, like a wretch, but by your grace, your blood, your name, I am set free.  

jesus come to save and to heal

you will heal me God. You come so that I may have life, and have it to the fullest. You hear my cry, you sing beside me, though I cant hear a song

what i had forgotten

His want His love to be accepted freely by all. Yet how can one accept when not given?  this love that He has so freely given is selfishly kept within me. I always said to my sheep, lg, and my shep, that His love fills me, but when I intentionally stop its overflow, I’m submerged in my bitterness, my over-protectiveness, that I forget the very essence of His love. Reminded once again why I do what I do, and while I have my fears and thoughts clouding my mind, it is You who is my confidence and therefore I will be faithful with what I have been given, knowing that in giving my best, my Father is proud of me and I can dare ask Him for more.

the greatest lover of my soul is my valentine

so much tears shed today.. and mere words can't describe how I felt today, so so so touched once again by God. He overwhelmed me with his love once again. Pastor Jennifer came to share her testimony, and I felt that the whole service is meant for me. That God would reserve a service, that's totally for me. He gave the exact words that I need through Pastor Jennifer. Tears kept streaming down my face, even the ushers next to me are tearing too.. Throughout the service, there were many times im holding my tears, feeling a little awkward with people around me, and I seems to feel God's gentle eyes looking at me, holding me in his arms and says " I understand". My tears cant hold back anymore... Every words that Pastor Jennifer said," I was at the bottomless pit, so much pain that I didn't even want to recall." "I almost want to end my life want I was 14" These were the exact feelings and experience I have. God saved my life. Literally, not ...


Jesus is not terribly impressed with religious commercialism. He is concerned not only whether we're doing God's work, but also how and why we're doing it. At the judgement seat of Christ, his main questions for me will have to do not with the growth of the ministry, but why I choose to serve in the church- in what spirit. If people left a meeting talking about what a wonderful sermon I gave or how beautifully the music sounds, the meeting had failed. But if people went home saying things like " Isnt God good?" It was a good meeting. we must never override prayer as the defining mark of God's dwelling. Jer 29:13 You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. Prayer ought to enter into the spiritual habits, but it ceases to be prayer when it is carried on by habit only. Desire gives fervor to prayer. The soul cannot be listless when some great desire fixes and inflames it... Strong desires make strong prayers. Was so touched and I...

God is close to the broken hearted.

 God, listened to Belinda testimony and heard how her parents and sister came to know Christ. because of this life tangibly changed and by her showing them that Christ is love and is the way. this is truly inspiring and encouraging for me. and I especially like what she said about the broken hearted. she felt that god let her go through tough times of being rejected, depression and absolutely no self-esteem so that she knows exactly how it felt like to be in need and to relate and provide help for people who felt the same way. and one thing almost convicted my heart, she took a 6 months leave, obeying God despite the high cost of her job, to go for bible college. wow... I know the importance of your word lord, and I know obedience comes at a price. But Belinda shared your providence over her as well. and I want to have faith, that you will give me courage and you will bring me there. Cant help to think of Meiyen as well.. That whatever broken past she have gone through i...

Fresh wind, fresh fire

As a Christian, no longer the duration, we need fresh wind, fresh fire. "for the sake of the world, burn like a fire in me." "Im not qualified," I protested. "Me, a LGL? or me, a worship leader in district level? I have no idea how to be one.." He said," When I call someone, that's all that really matters. Don't let yourself be afraid." After all, people weren't hungry for fancy sermons or organizational polish. They just wanted love. They wanted to know that God could pick them up and give them a second chance. God taking hopeless, even crazy people and changing them. Is not just a lip service or teaching to the idea that God can do anything. He really can! We need to have real faith that anyone who walked in, regardless of his or her problems, could become a trophy of God's grace I discovered an astonishing truth: God is attracted to weakness. He cant resist those who humbly and honestly admit how desperately they need...

His heart is for me to know His heart

I was downcast in my spirit, and at times even felt the doubt creep into my mind as to whether it was that sensible and right a choice that I had made in sharing my testimony on my 21st birthday, letting my parents know that I'm serious about God. I was secretly wishing that obedience to God wouldn’t require such increasingly escalated cost. I had felt and saw so undeniably His presence and guidance on the months leading up to my birthday, knew without a doubt that it was exactly where He wanted me to be, and yet with all the scolding and fruitless-ness seemed to be heading in the exact opposite direction I struggled with the whole notion of obedience, struggled to make sense of the promise He spoke to me that He is faithful and He loves me, and that His favour would be upon me. What favour is this if it all amounts to non-sense financially for my Cambodia trip and non-sense mistreatment from my family? I felt like Jeremiah, questioning God about what obe...