Christ´s obedience was the sustenance

$500 pledged and was rather financially tight for the past week. I must admit I wasn't fully at peace with this decision I've made, though I'm sure there's no regret, and I would obey regardless the cost..

I see how His sovereignty come to pass, when He blessed me through people such as Liwei, Matthew and Fira, who treated me with meals and drinks, when I needed it the most.

Not just that, the total amount of HongBao I've received from my sis' wedding and allowance adds up to exactly the amount I pledged for the book!! Praise God! It could only be Him.

This totally feels like Christmas! The whole giving and receiving spirit. And I can only experience the true joy of what it means to "be more blessed to give than to received" when I choose to obey and give out of my comfort zone.

Such great testimony cannot be withhold. Thank you Lord! When I chose to step out of the boat, you showed me your miracles. :)

Was reminded of a conversation I had with my mentee, that believing something logically is not the same as experiencing it relationally. May I never indulge in the knowledge I can gain through all the philosophical and theological books i'm reading, but to really get out of the boat, to be faithful in sharing the gospel and His love. We have been entrusted a task much greater than our own desires.

And also last thurs, I called up to Him 3 times that day for extra strength to sustain me for the whole day, and He provided. :) Needed strength to reach out to LinQin, one of my contact in MDIS, trying to speak to her with my very broken C H I N E S E (is spaced out because is "broken" chinese.. hahaha..)
Then meet up Moon to fellowship, to know her better.
Lastly, leading worship for the first new LG we had.
Everything went on smoothly, so thankful.

Learnt so much from Moon. :) She is the youngest in the group, yet mature. As I prayed for her, I can feel it so strongly that she is going to be a huge blessing and encouragement to us, to me. Her life story touches me, and I was trying hard to hold my tears when she shared about her family. (kinda embarrassing to cry at our first meet up, isn't it?)
I never foresee myself tearing that easily, and I know it is the holy spirit.
Amazed by how the whole conversation was spirit led, when we went on to talk about missions, and how that connected to her past.
Thank you lord that you found her and transform her, giving her Your presence that meant so much to her when she's alone and afraid.

I was shocked and moved when she shared with the group that my met up with her was a blessing from God, I never knew how my small little intentional step of giving and loving could make such a big impact and blessing to someone. It kinda reminds of the lady who offered me that piece of tissue in the bus when I was tearing over my struggles and fears. Something small yet something big.

it is in the little things, when done out of a sincere and loving heart, that touches the deepest part of the human soul.


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