year3 sem 2 week15
Lord.. Just had my last LG with the group. And it was a fruitful time of sharing... Was reminded once again of your grace and how u had pull me through the last 3 years in university. U had humbled me and taught how that all I have is yours. I have nothing, but yet in you, I have everything. I'm contented with what u had given me. No matter what I may get this semester, may I always give thanks 'in' all circumstances, and not 'for' all circumstances. It is your presence that matters the most to me, what good isit that I've gained the whole world without you by my side? And was immensely touched by meiyen's sharing today. In just a year, she have grown so much. I was quite taken aback by myself when I started crying after she shared. (holy spirit, control yourself! haha! kidding!) It was tears of joy, seeing your sheep grow is really the most meaningful that could happen! to me at least. :) Thank you Lord for giving me this opportunity, this hono...