
Showing posts from April, 2015

year3 sem 2 week15

Lord.. Just had my last LG with the group. And it was a fruitful time of sharing... Was reminded once again of your grace and how u had pull me through the last 3 years in university. U had humbled me and taught how that all I have is yours. I have nothing, but yet in you, I have everything. I'm contented with what u had given me. No matter what I may get this semester, may I always give thanks 'in' all circumstances, and not 'for' all circumstances. It is your presence that matters the most to me, what good isit that I've gained the whole world without you by my side? And was immensely touched by meiyen's sharing today. In just a year, she have grown so much. I was quite taken aback by myself when I started crying after she shared. (holy spirit, control yourself! haha! kidding!) It was tears of  joy, seeing your sheep grow is really the most meaningful that could happen! to me at least. :) Thank you Lord for giving me this opportunity, this hono...

Women outreach 3

Lord.. This my third prayer walk and i learnt and felt so much.. Was contemplating if i should go today knowing that i am lack behind in my revision for exams coming in 2 days time.. But still decided to come and im glad i did.. Talked to 2 malay muslim ladies. One facing family problem, with her sis wanting to commit suicide, and she herself feeling so stress up and hopeless. And the other girl was working as a prostitute, both are Singaporean. For the first time i felt my bahasa can come to use in God's work. Both of them accepted our prayers and the latter gal actually teared.. And the prayer warrior cried as well. That lady looks really young, i assume she's in her early 20s, with rows of tattoos at the arm, back and chest. As usual, there were guys checking her up head to toe, but i wasnt as disgusted and shocked as compared to my first prayer walk. This lady, went on to share abt her past.. Saying that she seeked a muslim organisation for help and counsellor after rele...


Hephzibah Psalm 103 God has rewritten my personal history. There is a lightness to my heart that is new. A deeper joy is residing there as i embrace fully the love of god and what he speaks to me about mysrlf and love 'Ask him to show u your beauty and then let him romance u. Ever story has a villain, it also has a hero'

You crash over me

I have come to this place in my life I’m full but I’ve not satisfied This longing to have more of You I can feel it my heart is convinced I’m thirsty my soul can’t be quenched You already know this but still Come and do whatever You want to I’m standing knee deep but I’m out where never been I feel You coming and I hear Your voice on the wind Would you come and tear down the boxes that I have tried to put You in Let love come teach me who You are again Take me back to the place where my heart was only about You And all I wanted was just to be with You Come and do whatever You want to Further and further my heart moves away from the shore Whatever it looks like, whatever may come I am Yours Further and further my heart moves away from the shore Whatever it looks like, whatever may come I am Yours  Then You crash over me and I’ve lost control but I’m free I’m going under, I’m in over my head And You crash over me, I’m where You want me to be I’m going under, I’m ...

accepting how you look

is not as easy as it seems.. reading and have countered experiences from friends who find it hard to accept how they look. some of my friends with skin condition, and oversized body.. having to face teasing and mean comments from friends and strangers, on almost a DAILY basis. Is not easy for anyone to deal with it positively. and people starts to be ashamed of themselves, starting to look for change, and it is when they know they can't do anything about it, they ended up committing suicide. Such extreme cases is very often seen in transgender, they do not agree and do not like what they see in mirror, but the most frustrating thing is they can't do anything about it, and having to face the judgemental looks from so many people, their friends or maybe even family. Such emotional pain and mental struggle is something I might not be able to fully comprehend. So what exactly is pleasing to God? What exactly should we respond to situation when we find it hard to accept how ...

True love

True love stoops to pick up the trash bag sitting near the kitchen door and crouches to look a sullen child in the eye. True love bows to change diapers and to shovel snow, to deliver goodnight kisses and offer hugs. True love bends over the dishwasher and over the sick child. True love hovers over the hurting and kneels quietly in prayer. True love chooses to be righteous instead of right, servant instead of master, humble instead of haughty. Let’s be honest, true love isn’t headline news. It’s not greeting card verse. It’s not blockbuster buzz. True love is Heaven’s hope, as we see in 1 John 4:10:“This is the embodiment of true love: not that we have loved God first, but that He loved us and sent His unique Son on a special mission to become an atoning sacrifice for our sins.” The shape of true love isn’t a diamond. It’s a cross. Dear Jesus, Thank You for loving me with a true and unshakeable love. Grow in me a humble heart so that Your perfect love can shine through my i...

Jesus Loves Me

I was lost I was in chains The world had a hold of me My heart was a stone I was covered in shame When You came for me I couldn't run from Your presence I couldn't run from Your arms Jesus, You love me, You are for me Jesus, how can it be, You love me, You are for me It was a fire Deep in my soul I'll never be the same I stepped out of the dark And into the light When You called my name You hold the stars and You hold my heart With healing hands that bear the scars The rugged cross where You died for me My only hope, my everything Jesus, You love me. Jesus, how can it be, You love me, You are for me Jesus loves me and you as well.. :)

Geylang ministry

Taking bus 80 down geylang road, feeling lost. Is just me i cant do much but u can. What is ur direction in my life? I can imagine them crying out for u at night.. Their eyes desperate to have a god to help them.. Sitting around being kissed by guys, doing illegal betting, smiling behind gritted teeth. They are driven to such circumstances.. They cant help themselves. God help them hao mah? Saw how tamar village being prosecuted in the midst of reaching out to the ladies, website being hacked with pornography, being scolded and Warned.. All these were expected but it will never stop the power of the gospel. There will be revelation. Geylang will turn into a worship place, where people will call upon the lord. God use me and tell me where to go, i am inadequate but that is not an excuse, u will anoint me, i will get out of the boat and see u moved.

Easter 2015

When I first started out dance ministry in Sep 2014, haha! clearly I was ensure of my moves.. One of the practice for easter 2015! MY FIRST EASTER DANCE PRODUCTION :D part 1: part2:   4/4 2015!!                                 Never imagine one day my prayer of all my secondary school friends coming to Axis come to past. Will persevere to pray for them, that one day they will come to know the Lord and experience his immerse love. :')     One of the sis in dance that I managed to share life with! She's sharing the same family situation as me.. 4 years age gap is nothing! :)     Amazed by the image team, who took an hour for both my makeup and hair. They were so excited to serve in their gifts and were happy with their "e...

Dear Meiyen

Dear meiyen  Ytd was your 1 year anniversary with the greatest lover of your soul jesus. How did u spent it with Him? Were u reminded of his Grace and his love, and what he told u on that very easter day? Because i certainly did, i was reminded again through the song "amazing grAce" sang ytd.. That grace which i could not comprehend, that saved a wretch like me :") U know im so thankful to be on the frontline as your shepherd to see u grow for the past one year, how God has constantly been with u, pouring out his love and favour when i wasnt there with u May u continue to grow in Him in the future anniversaries to come, and never cease tht childlike faith.  Love, gerry

Your Will > My Feelings

just wanna take some moment to pen down my thoughts.. week 9, 10 and week 11.. week 9 was deadline for my nutrition essay, and my bahasa test. it was also my first time serving as a unit guitarist.. Frankly, I know very well that I would not say no to God and to serve in his house, and thus, I secretly wished Junliang would tell me that he decided to change guitarist... Sign.. Know I shouldn't have felt this way, serving God is a privilege and it should be a joy! Because deep down I know that I'm not fully prepared and well-equipped. Feeling a little more stress among gifted guitarists such as Libo and Zhengkai, whom constantly seek to improve to serve better in the house of God. Know that God looks at the heart, but sometimes still felt a bit overwhelmed leading such heavy roles especially when I know I'm not up to it, can't help to feel insecure at times. Yet, was reminded again of this verse :" when i'm afraid, I will trust in you." A verse that...

being strong

So touched by the service last sat.  2 of my fav worship songs are sang Amazing grace.. Reminded again that ur grace and love is enough for me to overcome all my fears, the devil shall not have anymore foothold on me. Teared again, because im reminded how u have rescued me from that internal hell i once lived in, and I've said before, if i can survive through that, it would only be possible through you... Thank you Jesus. A thousand, a million thank you is not enough, words are not enough. At this point and forever more, i can only offer my heart and lay down my life for you and your people. THANK YOU JESUS FOR SAVING ME! Unending love, amazing grace. also reminded that strength is not in people who appear tough and build walls to prevent getting hurt, but strength is found in people who are vulnerable, who are willing to love despite being risked to be hurt, and that strength comes from you lord. I just want you jesuS, I juSt waNt you my loRd I would continually bE dis...