Your neighbour is beautiful, depends on how you wish to see it!
JiaJia save up food for me during sub d even though I didn't ask her to.
She come and asked if I'm ok whenever I look down...
She handmade me a pencil case during my birthday
She trust in me, encourage me when I felt inadequate in serving.
She send me random pictures to ask me to jiayou for exams.
She always answer my queries and bible questions whenever I asked.
Whatever problems I faced, she will help immediately and chuck aside her work/studies just for me.
At times she even call me up straight just to ask how am I doing.
WeeKeong brought me capo and use liquid paper to erase away the price tag
He taught me guitar in school
He audio record to teach me
He buy exam biscuit pack for LG
He buy marker pen for LG
He buy me Xiao long bao.
He buy me milk tea for service.
He advices me when I'm stuck with my first chairing.
He made me a friendship band during my 2nd uni camp.
He design cards for lg mates
He buy sweet to offer LG during service.
He buy dinner and drinks for Sher when she is late for LG
He helps me carry guitar when I sprain my leg, when I didn't asked him for help
He share with me his QT so as to encourage me to serve as a worship leader.
He always pray for me, my friends and family
Synyeow buy the LG chocolate during Christmas
He always volunteer to say grace for the LG
He always volunteer during uni camp to help the LG take breakfast
Kester buy me donggua tea after service