be loving!
We are to speak the truth of God, and not to hide it just to please man. but at the same time, it is also important to say it in LOVE. be patient and not aggressive!
My prayer to God, let me be gracious to my family, merciful towards people that hurt me, slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love towards your people.
Before I speak, does it build up that person? am I being gracious?
always be tender like how Jesus talk to the sinners. Do not be straightforward and be the right influence.
My prayer to God, let me be gracious to my family, merciful towards people that hurt me, slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love towards your people.

Before I speak, does it build up that person? am I being gracious?
always be tender like how Jesus talk to the sinners. Do not be straightforward and be the right influence.