Huili's wedding
Philippians 1:9-11
New International Version (NIV)
9 And this is my prayer: that your love may abound more and more in knowledge and depth of insight, 10 so that you may be able to discern what is best and may be pure and blameless for the day of Christ, 11 filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ—to the glory and praise of God.
as we have more and more knowledge about one another, (flaws etc), we learn to accept them, and our love will grow even deeper..
Know what is best and pure till the end of the age. relationship must produce good fruits.. and praise God no matter what. :)
as we have more and more knowledge about one another, (flaws etc), we learn to accept them, and our love will grow even deeper..
Know what is best and pure till the end of the age. relationship must produce good fruits.. and praise God no matter what. :)
We are already complete in Christ, we do not have to find our security in relationship or marriage.
However, a couple choose to be union as one is to shine brighter for God. What is the point of gathering two candles together if they do not shine brighter in flame??
Have been fasting for a month for God to gave me a steadfast peace in BGR issues.. not to be anxious and remain pure in mind. to love brothers and sisters in Christ and have a shepherd's heart towards them..
handmade dress by Merly! :) Talented bunch of people

Some photos of the joyful occasion! this is my first ever church wedding attended!
Great to see how God has plan this marriage between these 2 Godly people!
this song touch me during my daily worship with God..
God I desire to know you more, even till the day Jesus come or till the day I died, I know that I will never know u enough and no matter how many years I've been a Christian, keep that heart of fire in me to know u more.
Saw a comment in the song that a lady suffering from cancer listen to this song every morning and make it as a prayer to God till the day she part..
"Lord I surrender, I want to know you more, Lord have your way in me.."