Refreshed by God everyday..

Recently met up with Liwei for our third shepherding.
Indeed, after refreshing her, I felt refreshed as well.
As im sharing with her the importance of seeking you. I was reminded of how precious your presence is to me.. Your presence allows me to hang on for the rest of the day. Your presence is sufficient for me. Your presence is your most precious gift for me. Who am I? such a sinful man that deserve your care and love?
Lord I know u see my heart, when I desire to seek u, u will give me.
"if u who are evil know how to give good gifts for your children, what's more that your father in heaven will give good gifts to those who ask him?"

I still remember during defining chapter uni camp, when timothy was giving out alter call about who wants to join the pioneering group, I wanted to step forward.. but I chicken out because im not sure if im ready.. But like what merly said, u'll never be ready, just go!
But is this really my calling?
Dad.. the thought of starting up a LG in another uni has been on my mind every time I do personal worship during QT...
Especially when I sing about your love, your presence was so strong.. I kept tearing..

I know u are surely feeling much pain and hurt than me, u r so much more compassionate than me Lord...
and every time I see people living purposelessly, see them being lonely and being emotionally hurt or broken. I cried in despair.. Dad I wanna make a difference but can u equip me? change my heart, let me have a heart that beats like yours. Im gonna start fasting for myself, let me know if I should join the pioneering team okay? :)

I felt so touched by this Chinese songs I've attached at the bottom! I was randomly clicking worship song and I come by this!
Indeed, your presence, love and grace is priceless..

I am touched by your love. *CLAP CLAP CLAP!*
I know im once lost, now being found
was blind but now I see.
Everytime I was reminded of this, i'm filled with gratitude.
Thank you Jesus .

I do not just want to believe in you, I want to know you more, rely on you more and seek you more..

you ni ai de di fang jiu shi tian tang (with the presence of your love, we are already in heaven)


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