So... What is life?

Thank you Lord.. My neuro module, I cant believe I got a B instead of C+ or even fail! God, what's happening to me! This time round i get much much better than last semester, but yet my heart is not filled with gratitude or intense joy that burst to tears compared to last sem.. what's going on? I dont wanna take this sem results for granted Lord. This is a gift. U wanted me to carry on to Year 4, to be a blessing to the NUS and MDIS ministry, to love people genuinely like you do, to lay down my rights for you and your people like you do, to be devoted to you. These are my goals for my final year in NUS.
Lord, it would be almost impossible or a miracle to hit the bar, i know you will give me what is sufficient, and studying in NUS, in Singapore, is already a privilege. As of what apostle paul had said, "I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any or every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do all this through him who gives me strength."

I guess I know why my response this time round is different, is not because I'm very confident, (when i was expecting a D), or because I totally forgotten the giver (when I prayed right before looking), is because i am at peace. I know with whatever results I have, I must and i will give thanks, for it is enough for me, and the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard my heart and my mind in Christ Jesus.

Thank You Lord. My final year will be tough, i know it will. But i do not wanna forget that it belongs to you, and you are in control. I give you all of me in exchange of all of you. Teach me to never realize I can live a day without you.

I felt a nudge in my heart looking at my results. People have dreams and ambitions, wanting to score well in finals to achieve what they think is best for their future or for the world. But yet, like how Solomon has put it, how many of them would actually live to achieve those dreams, and even if they do achieve them, what's next? They die.

King Solomon was wise, wealthy and have plenty of wives. He had all that he wanted to achieve, but yet he said, " I have seen all the things that are done under the sun; all of them are meaningless, a chasing after the wind." Sometimes God gives us exactly what we want to show us that that is not what we need.
All these knowledge, wealth and temporary happiness that Solomon has, has no eternal value and were deemed by him as meaningless, here today and gone tomorrow.

And this epiphany suddenly sank in. We all die. Me included.
So after all these countless chasing of grades and achieving our goals amount to nothing, because of death. Then, why are we doing all these stuff for? Why are we studying so hard, clinching opportunities, when I might die tomorrow anyway, and even so, after getting them, I still die at the end?

So...what is life?

Dont get me wrong, people often misunderstood that since there is not purpose in relentless pursuits of worldly achievements, they dwell in the presence of having no goals at all, counting days, striving to be happy, and awaiting death. Even happiness that you think you have from people and successes are temporary as well, leaving you feel more empty at the end. Surely life is not merely this as well.

Because life is fleeting, and the fact is we cannot escape from death, we try to make use of our time here on earth to achieve a purpose for ourselves. We work hard, study hard, because society tells us that the purpose of life is to make it big, to be rich, to be famous, to be remembered. Is that it? Does all this matter when we are dead, when "Naked a man comes from his mothers womb, and as he comes, so he departs. He takes nothing from his labor that he can carry in his hand."?

We are created for more.

I do not want to get caught up in the rat race of life but to be a salt and light in school. In the midst of exam, God's ministry should never be compromise. When friends could not understand why am I not fully dedicated to studying, I know deep down that there's more to life, and not just my own pursuits of success, which at the end of the day, has no meaning at all.

I want to live each day according to how He wants me to. True everlasting joy and peace is found when we know our creator and what we are created for.

" I was made to be loved by You."


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