
Showing posts from May, 2015

Embracing my place

I'd lose it again. Sorry God.  I can't even recognize my tone just now when I spoke to my parents that way. Regardless whether I'm wronged, I should choose to speak life, especially knowing that I am the only   Christ ambassador at home, I'm the way to show them by example what Christianity is about.  I need to learn and respect the fortitude it takes to keep a family together, and have it grip my heart the next time an argument approaches. I need to learn the commitment of love, beyond my own emotions, and be "slow to speak and angry". A love that is not easily angered nor keeps a record of wrong. On days like these I realize in my heart my own ugliness and the dark restlessness beneath the surface. I realized the more we desire God, the more aware we are at our fallen-ness. The closer I am to God, the more illuminated my shortcomings become. However, the holy spirit will only convict us of guilt and not shame, with the understanding that it is all abo...

Most embarrassing moment. HAHA

haha! I guess the title just caught your attention, and probably mine years to come.. :''D Thinking that it's necessary to pen this down, rare to have such hilarious and embarrassing moment come by in my adulthood. LOL Went for weekly dance practice as usual, and at the end of it, Marcus requested everyone to do a freestyle solo with a completely foreign music he has chosen. I was stunned. I'm like "Oh God, Sorry I'm gonna run." But before I could react, he off the lights and wanted us to close our eyes and just flow with the music. I really wish it was as easy as he said. Marcus was the first and he is really gifted! I was like, " WHOA! WHAT WAS THAT?!" and followed by Natasha, totally rockin it well, and i was thinking the same, "WHOA! WHAT WAS THAT?!" and also XinRu, enjoying the groove and kept me thinking, "WHOA! WHAT WAS THAT?!" They were all so zai and I was praying hard that I'm not next... Guess w...

Christ´s obedience was the sustenance

Blessings! $500 pledged and was rather financially tight for the past week. I must admit I wasn't fully at peace with this decision I've made, though I'm sure there's no regret, and I would obey regardless the cost.. I see how His sovereignty come to pass, when He blessed me through people such as Liwei, Matthew and Fira, who treated me with meals and drinks, when I needed it the most. Not just that, the total amount of HongBao I've received from my sis' wedding and allowance adds up to exactly the amount I pledged for the book!! Praise God! It could only be Him. This totally feels like Christmas! The whole giving and receiving spirit. And I can only experience the true joy of what it means to "be more blessed to give than to received" when I choose to obey and give out of my comfort zone. Such great testimony cannot be withhold. Thank you Lord! When I chose to step out of the boat, you showed me your miracles. :) Was reminded of a conversat...

Happy wedding Da jie :)

        A Post to commemorate the most significant day in my very dear sister's life. Our old photos portrayed my childhood pretty well, with you always being there watching over me. Thank you for the respect and love all these years since my infancy, always believes, protects, and perseveres. And that your love will perseveres, hopes and believes in your marriage and for your future children.   For the past 21 years, I have never seen you smile this way, until you met him. And have never seen you burst into tears of joy, until you met him. You choking on your tears while you said your vows implied the many tangible moments you two have gone through together for the past 8 years. I don't understand that kind of love between a couple, and could never imagine myself tearing on my marriage day, perhaps is because I have not yet fallen in love with someone yet. The only one I'm totally in love with now is Jesus Christ, and...

Church is for losers.

The church is not a collective for winners; it is specifically for losers. It’s a hospital for broken souls, an island of misfit toys. A God who has died – has known losing and brokenness and nakedness –   A God who has died has no time for the lie of perfection. Anyone who now or evermore   Will not have a single flaw or problem in life may pass on by;   All others are welcome here. Need we add: “All” means “All” without a single equivocation. I know it sounds odd,   Since we’re sitting in this gorgeous building dressed in our good clothes,   But the church is a home for the sick and suffering, the tired and oppressed. It is a place of honesty where we are seen for what we really are before God,   Where we bring everything we have, the good and the bad together,   And just let it be, in the presence of Almighty Mercy. Failures, ne’er-do-wells, underachievers, washouts, lemons, flops, and freaks   Are all welcom...
'What price are you willing to pay to fulfil God’s mission in your life?'

My first dialect LG

Guitarist for my first dialect group! Very different experience. I was so panicking initially as the elderly were singing offbeat and I couldn't catch up with them. Later figuring out it's okay, it is His presence that counts. Always thought that dialect service is a way that I can give back to God, but today I've received so much. God used this LG session to touch me through their testimonies. How auntie Esther and her husband came to know the Lord, when they were persecutors in the past, and even forbid their son from going church, smashing his guitar twice. She said only God has the ability to bring them to church and crossing the line of faith. Their son alone will not able to do that. It spoke a lot to me and gives me faith and strength to keep my parents in prayer. That one day our whole family will come to know Him, and experience the joy and peace I've experienced. Thank you Lord that you never fail to refresh me and humble me. 

Serving beyond your preferences.

last night restructuring makes me rethink what does body of Christ truly mean. Wanted to join an all girls group, so that it's more comfortable for me to serve and support as a core-team member. Also, is easier to for me to be vulnerable and also disciple them.. Bring it up to Jun Liang, but I was placed in a guy-dominated group still. Feeling rather affected and didn't know the right way to response seeing the restructuring list on the screen. The same fears and insecurities I have with guys surfaced out again. Telling God that I want to be intentional in reaching out and disciple people as a senior and as a support to Rebby, but yet, is tough to disciple guys, judging from my past experiences. And the whole subject of boundaries being bought up again, an issue that I often tired of, having to be extra cautious with my words, when all my heart is just to love them as a sis-in Christ, but yet, I know I have to guard my heart and words. As I was pouring ...

Learning agape love a step at a time

Paul says the greatest gift of all is love... and God has given us the greatest gift, He loves us. Had made a simple prayer this morning that I wanna have this greatest gift, to love as well.. 1 Cor 13: If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing.   If I give all I possess to the poor and give over my body to hardship that I may boast, but do not have love, I gain nothing. Verses that I hold on to since I was a young believer. But is always the spot that I fallen into.. Merly once told me3 years ago, that to love is give your 100%, and not asking anything in return, that is unconditional love; the agape love that God gives. And till now, I still hold it very closely to my heart. Yet, when it is just partly $500 apart for his glory, I am so reluctant. When the $500 is not even mine in the first place!! Raised $500 from my 21st birthday party, requested for...

My choice

I want a soccer match, strong and proud, with f riends and buddies upon the field,  A well-boiled egg i'll eat at 'one', and train again when day is done. I want an ultra comfy home, nice, clean carpet upon the floors, mum, dad and sis by my side, And pretty drapes within my sight. Singapore, a comfy place where I stay, With water, clean and clear, everywhere, A life at peace with no distress, No doubt, we are really blessed. I want a job, satisfying and smooth, and with my wardrobe, too, to be Of neatest, finest quality, With latest style in shirt and dress. Why shouldn't Christians have the best? But then the Master I can hear, In no uncertain voice, so clear, "I bid you come and follow me, The Lowly Man of Galilee." "Birds of the air have made their nest, And foxes in their holes find rest; But I can offer you no bed; No place have I to lay my head." In shame I hung my head and cried, How could I spurn the Crucified? Could I forget...

tamar village 5th anniversary.

A SECOND CHANCE" - Official Trailer [HD] A Tamar Village Video Documentary Our 5th year anniversary held 4 days ago at connect 802. Finally have sometime to pen down my thoughts. This ministry taught me that starting up a whole new ministry needs guidance and confirmation from the Lord. Louis and Shuhui prayed for 1 whole year in 2009, and finally start up the geylang women outreach ministry in 2010 till today. Joseph Chean mentioned that when YWAM was built in geylang, near the red light district, he knows that is what Jesus would want them to do, reaching out to the ladies, but he felt it was too difficult. I guess I can understand... I know how it was to be hopeless, even as a Christian, I was once depressed and seemingly lost all hope, and all light distinguishes before me... But God reveal to me of my identity, calling me beautiful, and said that there is hope in Jesus. I know what it is to be loved by God, do they? However, as what Joseph Chean ...