
Showing posts from October, 2013

Do u believe in unconditional and everlasting love?

Hi! This is going to be a post about Love! and is especially for non-Christians! please do read it! it only takes u 5 minutes! I believe there is a reason why u pass by my blog and saw this post! :) Have you ever wonder how did the earth came about? Well.. according to science, is due to the big bang theory.. but do u know the occurrence of the big bang theory is 1 in a trillion? and yet it happen? some scientists still cant fully explain natural selection as some creations are too sophisticated to be true! There is a creator! Do you know that every single one of us are created by God and we are significant in his eyes? He wants to know us and he regard us as a child of his! Today, i just want to let u know that there IS a God who loves each of us as if there were only one of us. U might ask, "how do you know? There's no prove." Well. My life is a prove! if u read all my posts, u will realise how my life was changed inside out by this God. and is not ...

Refreshed by God everyday..

Recently met up with Liwei for our third shepherding. Indeed, after refreshing her, I felt refreshed as well. As im sharing with her the importance of seeking you. I was reminded of how precious your presence is to me.. Your presence allows me to hang on for the rest of the day. Your presence is sufficient for me. Your presence is your most precious gift for me. Who am I? such a sinful man that deserve your care and love? Lord I know u see my heart, when I desire to seek u, u will give me. "if u who are evil know how to give good gifts for your children, what's more that your father in heaven will give good gifts to those who ask him?" I still remember during defining chapter uni camp, when timothy was giving out alter call about who wants to join the pioneering group, I wanted to step forward.. but I chicken out because im not sure if im ready.. But like what merly said, u'll never be ready, just go! But is this really my calling? Dad.. the thought of st...

Your neighbour is beautiful, depends on how you wish to see it!

JiaJia save up food for me during sub d even though I didn't ask her to. She come and asked if I'm ok whenever I look down... She handmade me a pencil case during my birthday She trust in me, encourage me when I felt inadequate in serving. She send me random pictures to ask me to jiayou for exams. She always answer my queries and bible questions whenever I asked. Whatever problems I faced, she will help immediately and chuck aside her work/studies just for me. At times she even call me up straight just to ask how am I doing. WeeKeong brought me capo and use liquid paper to erase away the price tag He taught me guitar in school He audio record to teach me He buy exam biscuit pack for LG He buy marker pen for LG He buy me Xiao long bao. He buy me milk tea for service. He advices me when I'm stuck with my first chairing. He made me a friendship band during my 2nd uni camp. He design cards for lg mates He buy sweet to offer LG during service. He buy dinner...

rich 21st bday!

kinda late. these was quite long ago. nonetheless, still good to post about it!

Huili's wedding

Philippians 1:9-11 New International Version (NIV) 9  And this is my prayer: that your love may abound more and more in knowledge and depth of insight, 10  so that you may be able to discern what is best and may be pure and blameless for the day of Christ, 11  filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ—to the glory and praise of God. as we have more and more knowledge about one another, (flaws etc), we learn to accept them, and our love will grow even deeper.. Know what is best and pure till the end of the age. relationship must produce good fruits.. and praise God no matter what. :) We are already complete in Christ, we do not have to find our security in relationship or marriage. However, a couple choose to be union as one is to shine brighter for God. What is the point of gathering two candles together if they do not shine brighter in flame?? Have been fasting for a month for God to gave me a steadfast peace in BGR iss...

be loving!

  We are to speak the truth of God, and not to hide it just to please man. but at the same time, it is also important to say it in LOVE. be patient and not aggressive!     My prayer to God, let me be gracious to my family, merciful towards people that hurt me, slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love towards your people.             Before I speak, does it build up that person? am I being gracious? always be tender like how Jesus talk to the sinners. Do not be straightforward and be the right influence.

community matters

Pastor Jeff shared about how a church/ LG should be loving and encouraging to one another. and I think the community should keep this in mind. I shall be the one to start it! be it even in very very small ways. Need to start praying for Syn yeow, and also for Kester. Hope they will let go of their past, and be joyful..