No one puts new wine into old wineskins

"No one puts new wine into old wineskins: otherwise, the wine will burst the skins, and the wine is lost, and so are the skins: but one puts new wine into fresh wineskins" (Mark 2:22).

You can't put new ideas into old mind-sets. You can't get new results with old behaviors.

The comparison is a very apt one when we think of the properties of wine and wineskins. When wine is new, it is in a state of fermentation. It bubbles and expands as the fermentation gases are released. A fresh, pliable wineskin can absorb such expansion and slowly age-with the wine until the fermentation process is complete.

To put fresh wine into an old wineskin, however, is asking for trouble. The old wineskin has assumed a definite shape and is no longer pliable. It is fixed and somewhat brittle. The activity of new wine will stress it beyond its ability to yield. And so both the wine and the skin are lost.
This means that old mindsets, even if based on Godly principles, still won't be able to handle new and creative ideas fresh out of a revelation from God's word. This is what happened to the Pharisees. The disciples, however, were able to receive His teachings. How were they able to? It's because they were new wineskins. The Pharisees had a set of rules so rigid that if anyone wouldn't align with their interpretation of Scripture, these people are wrong. The disciples, unlearned as they are, simply took Jesus at His word. 
People remain old wineskins because they still enjoy old wine. They enjoy what's familiar to them. They can't leave their comfort zones. They aren't willing to trade what they find comfortable and trustworthy for something that can only be done through faith,

To be reminded that God is doing a new thing, and to be likewise a new wine skin for new wine to be poured it. 


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