fight club
you are not your job or how much money you have in the bank, nor the car you drive.
Tyler Durden: "Do away with all your sofa units and strinne green stripe patterns, I say never be complete, I say stop being perfect, I say let's evolve, let the chips fall where they may."
The endless rat race in the world where humans keep on collecting and acquiring things one after the other hoping that through each acquisition we get more and more complete. It is like going after a better motorbike and constantly chasing the best iPhone.
It might seem insane to have absolute abandon with no planning at all. Thinking about it, it is not insanity to develop that sense of abandon within you. In fact, only an incredibly sane person who knows who he or she is would be able to reach that point.
Tyler Durden: "First you have to give up. First, you have to know, NOT FEAR... KNOW that someday you're gonna die".
Again, the reason why we desperately procure things is that somewhere we forgot that we are going to die someday and we can't bring this anywhere. The things we own end up owning us.
Knowing the time we spend here is so tiny, so minuscule that we really should spend our time well on things that truly matter, in every step and in every breath.
Life is not about having, it is about DOING. The protagonist has centered his life on having things, but he does not love what he does. The fighting in the movie is not about violence, but is perhaps a metaphor for real struggle, for something vital that challenges man and draws on all of his faculties, and courage. It could be about doing the job you really want to do, or facing the challenges you have been fearful of. Just like the scene where Tyler tells the guy to go fulfill his dream of becoming a veterinarian. The lie that you'll be happy if you have enough only leads to misery and desperation. The life must be lived, and not bought, and definitely not a construction based on society's standards on what is good enough.
Tyler Durden: "Do away with all your sofa units and strinne green stripe patterns, I say never be complete, I say stop being perfect, I say let's evolve, let the chips fall where they may."
The endless rat race in the world where humans keep on collecting and acquiring things one after the other hoping that through each acquisition we get more and more complete. It is like going after a better motorbike and constantly chasing the best iPhone.
It might seem insane to have absolute abandon with no planning at all. Thinking about it, it is not insanity to develop that sense of abandon within you. In fact, only an incredibly sane person who knows who he or she is would be able to reach that point.
Tyler Durden: "First you have to give up. First, you have to know, NOT FEAR... KNOW that someday you're gonna die".
Again, the reason why we desperately procure things is that somewhere we forgot that we are going to die someday and we can't bring this anywhere. The things we own end up owning us.
Knowing the time we spend here is so tiny, so minuscule that we really should spend our time well on things that truly matter, in every step and in every breath.
Life is not about having, it is about DOING. The protagonist has centered his life on having things, but he does not love what he does. The fighting in the movie is not about violence, but is perhaps a metaphor for real struggle, for something vital that challenges man and draws on all of his faculties, and courage. It could be about doing the job you really want to do, or facing the challenges you have been fearful of. Just like the scene where Tyler tells the guy to go fulfill his dream of becoming a veterinarian. The lie that you'll be happy if you have enough only leads to misery and desperation. The life must be lived, and not bought, and definitely not a construction based on society's standards on what is good enough.