Do people care?

Truth is, they do. I see delicated passionate people willing to take no pay for charity work, as well as consistent home visits to be with the vulnerable. They value presence more than merely solutions.
I see my boss all set on making changes on the ground, wanting to improve on anything possible. She is a passionate lady, even extending her hand to me when i am no longer working with her/ for her.
People do care. I believe the leaders/directors all aspire to contribute and help the needy and voiceless. Sure, there are frustrations and limitations in rendering change and shifting mindset, but there are visionary people who are far-sighted and will not give up. Jason Wong is one of them. Yellow Ribbon seems idealistic to people until it became reality now. It is true that while there are upper class who are comfortable with where they are now, resisting to change if that would mean them having to sacrifice on their end, and with middle class chasing the rat race, lower-class struggling to make ends meet, I still certainly see that there are Upper class or even middle class who cares, who wants to bridge the gap, who wants to point other fellow human beings to hope. Our end goal is not achieving the ideal closing of the income gap, but Jesus. In the midst of all these frustrations within system and structures, is not about perfecting them, but while struggling in them, wrestling further in all these brokenness and imperfections, pointing people to their ultimate hope, Jesus. Perhaps it is back to the small things, in your interactions with people, in your decision making, in your presence even.

God, honestly, I am frustrated. I want changes to be done and it seems to only made possible by those who acquire power, who are the leaders above. Yet, I'm doubtful of my ideas, they might just be labeled idealistic, for even if I am given the power to make greater change, i might see myself facing the same frustrations and limitations, bound by systems, red tape, and years of structure in place. How can I learn to resolve all these internally, that in the midst of all these, God is still God and he has a purpose for me in this? How do I work with what I have, scattered and incomplete, prayerfully believe that it points to Jesus? On the ground, I am frustrated, but perhaps even up there with greater responsibilities, I'll be torn. Keep troubleshooting and try, speak up. If stuck, troubleshoot again, if things can never be moved, don't give up and work with what you have, find another way around it. Is not about perfecting systems as much as I keep seeing myself leaning towards that. My end goal is Jesus, I need to remember this.


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