Jesus washes the disciples' feet

It's not easy watching Jesus wash these feet.
But he doesn't speak. He removes his robe and takes the servant's wrap off the wall. 
Taking the pitcher, he pours the water into the basin. 
He kneels before them with the basin and sponge and begins to wash. 
Isn't it enough that these hands will be pierced in the morning? 
Must they scrub grime tonight? 
and the disciples.. do they deserve to have their feet washed? 
Their affections have waned; their loyalties have wavered. You can hear them sneaking away from the soldiers. They make promises tonight. They'll make tracks tomorrow. Look around the table, Jesus. Out of the twelve, how many will stand with you in Pilate's court? How many will share with you the Roman whip? And when you fall under the weight of the cross, which disciple will be close enough to spring to your side and carry your burden? None of them will. Not one. A stranger will be called because no disciple will be near. Sometimes I wonder, aren't I just like the disciples? There were times I am like the rich young ruler, contemplating if I should surrender. Or worst, choosing to place my hands on the plow yet looking back on what I have bidden farewell with. 

When vows are forgotten. Contract abandoned. 
The world says" put up your fists" 
Jesus says "Fill up the basin"
The world says, "Pay him back"
Jesus says "Wash his feet"
The world says "He doesn't deserve it"
Jesus says "You're right, but you don't, either."

I don't understand how God can be so kind to us, but he is. Jesus is also washing ours. we are being cleansed not from our dirt but from our sins. (john13:8). 
You will never forgive anyone more than God has already forgiven you. only by letting him wash my feet can I have the strength to wash those of another. 

I watch Jesus as he goes from disciple to disciple. I see him. I hear the water splash. I hear him shuffle on the floor to the next person. He washed the feet of his betrayer Judas. He gave his traitor equal attention. In just a few hours Judas' feet would guide Roman guard of Jesus. But at this moment they are caressed by Christ. 

You're not worthy, but I made you worthy.
You're not lovely, but I made you lovely.
Thank you Jesus for such extravagant grace. You are a beautiful Savior, and there's nothing I could ever do that can compare to what you have done for me. 


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