
Showing posts from 2015

Run with a goal in mind

Poem written by my sheep, inspired by God. Run with fierce conviction and resolute courage. Run towards towards those are hurting, those who desperately need a champion. Show them the Champion of the heaven and earth. Run with forgiveness on your tongue. To love, you must learn how to forgive. Forgive and awaken First love in your heart. Run with your imperfections and broken pieces. Run slowly if you cant run fast, but run with the wind. You have a piece of God that He left behind intentionally. Discover that piece and allow it to shine through you. Run like you are brave. Even if your knees are shaking, run with a battle cry and a song of your own. For God made you brave For you can sing of His love forever and ever. Run being clothed with strength and dignity. You are a child of God, the bride of Christ and a precious daughter of the King of the Universe. Run, knowing who you are and who you are running towards. You are running to the arms of God, to unpathed waters and undr...

STM chiangmai 6 Dec- 15 Dec

 Praying for God to show me more of His heart through this trip. A reminder to keep praying and interceding for them, that they will grow up to be men and women of God. There were communication barrier, but through actions or mere smile did convey the heart of the Father. Only get to spend 1 day with the students, makes me cherish every single moment with them even more. The sense of urgency to impact lives is real, knowing that I only have mere 10 days in Thailand compared to the next 50 years in Singapore compels me to use my time wisely for His kingdom. This reminds me of our time on Earth, which pales in comparison with eternity. To have a sense of urgency with this short time and live my life to the full for His will and the purpose He has in stored for me. Also, have come to see God made our team so big. With 12 people, we are able to reach out to a total of 100 students! And 12 teachers were just right. Learning to pray for people everywhere i go, as what Jesus w...

You don't miss a thing

There’s no place I could go Your love won’t find me No place I could hide that You can’t see No place I could fall Your love wouldn’t catch me You see it all, through the eyes of love. When I’m misunderstood Your love understands me You see it all, You’re in everything So come and see me Come and know me Come and search my heart and make me like You, make me new I just wanna be like You. This was my heart's cry on prayer meet that friday night My past have passed away, your love has stayed the same, and your constant grace remains my cornerstone. Things that I thought were dead, are breathing in life again. Jesus You shine the brightest on my darkest nights. My heart laid bare on that prayer night, kneeing on the axis floor, praying.. "Jesus, I love you. I really love you. But I don't know how to love you better. Am i blessing your heart right now with my life? come and show me who you really are. I wanna know you for you are, and not who I want you to be. ...

Why difficulties?

Under the half-frozen soil A seed awakens And starts to push away its shell Putting forth a tiny, shivering shoot Through the dark soil it travels On its upward climb to light Until, one day The crust of springtime’s earth splits before the thrust And the green shoot rejoices As the world of light opens before it And the warm rays of yellow sunshine Welcome it and beckon to it with encouragement. Suddenly, little shoot feels the stinky impact Of a shovel full of aged manure And wonders why it tried so hard to leave its safe seed. Warm rain falls and the stench lessens As the sinking nourishment unites with the ground Feeding the baby plant, that it thrive Its roots established in softened, enriched soil Until the day when the first bloom appears. No hint of foul odor mars its perfume The dark humus a perfect backdrop For the beauty of the garden. Do you ever feel as if someone threw manure on you? After struggling through the darkness Finally, a ray of light And before you can enjoy i...
I remember those days When I needed Your grace And You showed to me How good You are to me I remember those years It was filled with tears But You showed to me How Your presence is with me Thank You Lord I just want to Thank You Lord For You are faithful For You are beautiful Thank You Lord

What made me love Christ

Can you believe that this is true? Grace abundant I am giving you Cleansing deeper than you know all was paid for long ago You're not guilty anymore You're not filthy anymore I love you Mercy is yours You're not broken anymore You're not captive anymore I love you mercy is yours What made me love Christ wasn’t that all of a sudden I figured out how to do life.  What made me love Christ is that when I was at my worst, when I was at my lowest point, when I absolutely could not clean myself up and there was nothing anybody could do with me, right at that moment, Christ said,  “I’ll take that one. That’s the one I want.”  You know the Bible calls the church Christ’s bride. So it’s like standing before Jesus, completely exposed, all of our flaws and insecurities and—worse than that—our sins are right there in front of his face, and against all reason and rationale, the song of grace becomes startlingly, exhilaratingly true because the Groom looks at us and decla...


Cause Your Love is so much stronger, Than anything I've faced...

The hardest person to forgive aren't your enemy or your loved ones, but yourself

I eventually found God's grace for every person who had ever let me down in any way. But forgiving myself for my past mistakes I'd made throughout my life seemed to require far more grace than I could muster.  Whenever I would reflect on what I'd done, or what had been done to me, I would be deceived to think that no one could possibly love me if they knew all the things I've done, and I felt so unworthy of God's love. I was so ashamed.  Does my refusal to forgive myself for my past tells others about the blood that Jesus shed for me? Do i truly believe that His blood has enough power to cleanse me? Do I laid hold of the astonishing truth that there is no spot or stain that cannot be washed away by the blood of Christ? Underlying all of my self-pity was the belief that what Jesus did for me couldn't possibly be enough to rid me of my stain and set me free.  If jesus blood doesnt cover our sin, then his death is a farce.  Paul preached "Righteous...

Jesus I live/Thank You Lord Mash up (Hope Church Singapore)

Amazed by how God brought us together to encourage and build each other up. Reminded of His abundant grace despite my failures and past mistakes. Romans 5;20 But where sin increased, grace increased all the more,

When life doesn't make sense...

Had my second dialect LG being the guitarist. Super honored and glad to be able to serve You in such ways, looking at the elderly coming together to praise and sing love song to you. My dream is to be a guitarist for You, bringing people into worship... Once again encouraged by the testimony shared by the teacher, Mdm Christine Lam. She have 2 sons and she prayed for the third child to be a daughter. God granted her and she was so delightful! She even checked twice with the doctor during baby-scan and right after she gave birth.  However, 5 months later, her new-born daughter is diagnosed with a medical disease, causing her to be bed-ridden for the rest of her life, and being mentally retarded, not able to speak a single word. As what most people would initially react, she blamed God and questioned why did God gave her a daughter half-heatedly. Every night her daughter's bed would be filled with tears and tormented pain.... I was holding back my tears while she shared. It...

summer break's love

Wrapped the flowers all by myself. HAHA took pride in it. Wonder why were we often mistaken as real sisters... Throwback to our Cambodia trip 2 years ago.. Guess she might never get to read this.. Only in my personal blog will I dare to write down my true and vulnerable thoughts about her.... Dear Nat, Meeting you 2 years ago for our Cambodia trip to me is never a coincidence, but a divine appointment.. Knew that God placed this friendship so that I could be a blessing to you... How many times I look at you, thinking this lady I'm talking to is such a beautiful child of God,  who has so much potential in Him.  Living her life full out for Jesus, with her heart full of passion and love for Christ, like how she used to be in Youth. How I wished I could have the courage to just tell her to let go of her past hurts or regrets she'd experienced in the church ministry, and to cling on to what Jesus have in store for her,  and who Jesus is.  Praying for m...