STM chiangmai 6 Dec- 15 Dec

 Praying for God to show me more of His heart through this trip.
A reminder to keep praying and interceding for them, that they will grow up to be men and women of God.
There were communication barrier, but through actions or mere smile did convey the heart of the Father.
Only get to spend 1 day with the students, makes me cherish every single moment with them even more. The sense of urgency to impact lives is real, knowing that I only have mere 10 days in Thailand compared to the next 50 years in Singapore compels me to use my time wisely for His kingdom. This reminds me of our time on Earth, which pales in comparison with eternity. To have a sense of urgency with this short time and live my life to the full for His will and the purpose He has in stored for me.

Also, have come to see God made our team so big. With 12 people, we are able to reach out to a total of 100 students! And 12 teachers were just right.
Learning to pray for people everywhere i go, as what Jesus would, and believe that prayers do wonders, seeds are sown and will slowly grow. 
Did a skit on "the prodigal son" as a team, and share the message of Christmas. Seeds were sown. :)
Thankful to have know this sis better in this trip, like-minded not just in His kingdom but jokes wise too! :p

Joann! So glad to see u walked down to the front and responded to God in Christmas service. Pray that you will experience God in your most tangible and personal way.
i just have to post this.. too funny.. LOL
With the fellow Year 4s.
Glad to have poured out a part of my life to you.. Hope you're blessed! Continue to stay close to God Cherylmaine. :)
Proud of this bro who shared his testimony vulnerably.
Also the same night when I challenged Weishan to serve as a guitarist. It was her very first time and the song she played was so divinely timely; 'Heart of Worship'
' I'll bring you more than a song, for a song in itself is not what you have required. You search much deeper within, through the way things appear, you're looking into my heart.'
Indeed, is not all about her skills, but her heart to bless the Father. So proud of Weishan, a pity there was no photo captured for this part. 
Christmas party
Taking back some faces that I want to remember and pray over. 


Grow up to be a pillar of strength and hope in Northern Thai..  
Prayer moved more in my heart than in my circumstances. Prayer walks reminds me of those time I spent in China, and the various nights being a prayer warrior for God in Geylang. God did a lot in my heart as I pray and intercede, as a royal priesthood, I've learnt to pray for mercy for the injustice. Learnt to also give and not just receive in STM, and the importance of tuning in to the holy spirit with the right heart attitude. 
Will never forget her smile, so full of hope and joy. God he gave hope to the hopeless, and a home to the orphans.
He will father the fatherless. 
Sheepy shared her testimony victoriously! Proud of you Arielle!
God has given you a new name, a new life in Him with no fear.

Also shared my testimony with the younger ones, Joan, Wei Shan and Cherylmaine.
Once again reminded that the good work He had started in me will eventually comes to completion one day.
He makes all things beautiful in His time, both the good and the seemingly not so good as well. 
All the way my Savior leads me.. Cheers each winding path I thread..

Had the same image of Jesus giving me a butterfly again. A new life, a change.
Focus on my walk with Him and He will lead me to where He wants me to go..


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