year 3 sem1 reflection

this sem is very different, so so many breakthrough and growth through his word and people...

These few songs I listen to and comfort me..
Hold my hand (in dialect service)
" hold my hand, please don't leave me, sometimes I feel that I cant hear your voice"
this is very applicable especially when it comes to my upcoming 21st birthday party, been fasting from fast food for it.

Amazing love: been 2 years and once again, i'm touched by this song. It reminds me of Jesus and God's love through the cross... I'm so undeserving, but yet, when you were on the cross, I was in your mind.. (': and this gives me the courage to share your love to all my friends and family members.

Lover of my heart
" you're my friend, you're my father, I want to talk to you in the good and the bad, all I need is a moment of grace, it's in you that I have the faith to stand and be strong, I know im no longer bound, and I have the power to love and forgive'
so app when it comes to my everyday walk with god, a reminder that Christianity is just a walk and relationship with me and you, and not about others, not about how others view me. no about how many things I do for you and your kingdom, but is just about us. to always go back to you, that is what our relationship is all about. and because I love you, I naturally will love what you love, and do what makes you happy, and this is why I love and serve people that I find it hard to love. All for you, not myself.

I was made to be loved by you.....

This sem new things pop up... took up another sheep named Mei Yen. HAHA! was nervous and excited at the same time initially. cause first time my sheep older than me and also very intellectual, ask a lot of tough questions and im like omg... hahaha! but very thankful still la, know there's a reason why god choosed me. and I shall serve and be glad to contribute in his kingdom. may god grow her to be a strong women of god, that would be my greatest contentment as a shepherd/mentor.

Also took up dance ministry.. whoa.. just this alone deserve a long post I guess...
thought that dance is something that I really love and god puts dance in my heart for a reason. to serve and give back is what I want to do for the church. but then.. I was put into probation. and I actually cried. this is lame sia. now I look back why did I actually cry because of that?! LOLED,
 this is childish. I don't understand why im so upset too! Guess I really value dance a lot.

Already told god that even if I cant serve in dance, I will still be thankful, more time for pastoral ministry and mdis pioneering. Prayed and realised that im just hurt by the choice of words they used, and felt sad that they say I'm not good enough. and it makes me question myself, am I dancing for others or for god? god looks at the heart!
The probation took a month, and this month there were many instances I prayed and wanted to just back out from dance. but in the end I didn't I decided to give this probation a chance. I will just do my best, if im still not in, alright god, I will just drop this whole dance ministry thingy and focus on other areas to serve, perhaps I will get proud after I get in? perhaps is not the time yet.

This one month is indeed a very humbling experience, I learnt that im actually not that zai in dance after all! haha! and it also caused me to pray more, learning the heart and true meaning of serving in church, not for yourself and getting attention, but about giving.
thankful for this probation period, and guess what, after a month. I GOT IN!
haha! so am officially a super dope dancer for JESUS CHRIST!
God, because of you I can dance in this freedom I know. Dancing for you Dad!
emm, year 3 sem1 I felt that I haven't been doing much for meiyen, cause she is just so busy!
must be even more intentional liao.
Reminded of the importance of discipleship, and god says if I love him, feed his sheep!
in terms of studies this sem, is very different. I learnt to surrender more and trust more, and I really see how god works! I get A- for test, B+ for essay and many tests that I truly don't deserve good grades as an average student.
especially for my bahasa oral, I do not wanna forget that divine moment!!!!
I forgotten what's 'education' and 'converse' in bahasa indo and I actually said them correctly by coincidence! and also getting 71.75 for my test2 when I am totally lost for my listening compre.
and also how god bless me with good health for all my 4 finals. rmbed that I had a fever before my last paper but in the end was healed. I had stomachache one day before neuron finals and was healed too. is truly jesus!!  haha!
and for the first time I go exam hq with a joyful heart, not feeling stressful and thinking that I will be unproductive, is truly a community that encourages and spur each other. perhaps next sem is the last sem I had in nus. (: no matter what, still thankful. (:

and also learnt to put his kingdom first, took time out to study with stella and peiling, and also talking to ruifen. all these are out of my comfort zone, but know for sure if I put him first, he will not shortchange me and he will show up. Amen god? excited to see how you're gonna work for my 21st and upcoming Christmas service. you are a God who saves. Love you! (:


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