to the prostitues

do you know that you are worth more than gold and diamonds? you are worth more than the most valuable things on earth. You are immeasurable, you are priceless.
In the eyes of the almighty one, you are like a precious gem, unique, fearfully and wonderfully made.
don't consider yourself as filthy, worthless, trash or down to nothing. because THOSE ARE ALL LIES!!
You are made pure as snow by the blood of jesus. You are no longer condemned.
And this is the truth. You are deeply loved and highly favoured.
This is the truth. There is someone who loves you so much that it drove him to the cross for your sake.
This is the truth. That u shall no longer live in darkness but in the light of jesus.
This is the truth. And the truth shall set you free.

My first prayer walk at geylang. Joined the women outreach this sem and was kinda overwhelmed. There's so much needs out there. The place is so dark.. not just dark literally but is so dark figuratively. A place that u cant seems to see any glimpse of light or hope in the place.
they need Jesus. The short 30 mins open up my eyes to the world, that there are places that Jesus must fit in, that I should no longer be comfortable in my church, doing happy things, serving in my comfort zone, interacting with a community that is so loving. yes, these are good. but no, I wanna go out. For his kingdom I am going to do so.


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