STM to cambodia

this is gonna be a very long post.
My very first stm trip! I went to Phnom Pehn last year during summer break as well! but the purpose is so different. It was an OCIP trip and I left the place feeling more sad than usual, feeling that the help and joy I gave them were only temporary.
But this time, going there as a missionary is so different! :D
I know that our team didn't leave something temporary there, but something permanent, which is the love and the word of God.

My first time leading a team! So exciting and fearful at the same time. But I know the spirit is within me, and Dad is watching over me!
Pre STM trip:
Rare times when a team has no idea where to go and asked YWAM staff for help. We prayed together as a team and God closes door and opened a specific door to Cambodia!
So divine that even though we only had 3 weeks preparation instead of 3 months, we managed to prepare everything we need there. Though it was a bit rush and everything was not fully ready, but our hearts are ready, and that's enough for God.
Prayed before the trip and research the spirituality level at Cambodia, and god shows up. It is indeed important to do some research before we went ahead.
Realised that most Christians there are shallow or hand-out Christians. They do need a lot of help spiritually. Loads of discipleship needed there.

Was attached to 2 hosts under a very divine appointment. God had a plan to let Hudson speak to Jeanette, and getting Pastor Chang Hou and Pastor Ben contact. And the house that pastor chang hou built brick by brick is named "HOPE centre". And we are from hope church! How coincidence!
Have decided in my mind to come back again next year with a new team, and to save up enough money to donate to them.

So touched by the testimonies and life of Pastor Ben and Pastor Chang Hou
Pastor Ben, a second gen Christian was very far from God when he's young. When he was 23 years old, God touched him and he cried non-stop like a little baby. After that tangible touch by the holy spirit, he went to dts and sbs and went on to be a youth pastor in Singapore.
After having 4 kids, God called him to go phnom pehn and be a full time educator to the lost kids in the city and be a full time missionary too. Beside giving up his comfortable life in Singapore, god wants him to sell away his apartment in Singapore. As a Singaporean, we do know how valuable an asset is. But he obeys anyway and he sets 5 criteria for god to fulfil for him to sell his flats. The criteria was so specific but god answers all of them! He provided for him ever since and his whole family move to Cambodia with him, doing missions together everyday.
So inspiring to hear testimonies like these.

For pastor Chang Hou, wow... His life dedication to god is really beyond words can say...
His life before Christ was about the same as mine. Extremely rebellious and dishonourable towards parents and the people around him. After knowing God, his life was changed inside out.
He saw the bible that appear out of nowhere in the bookshelf. He read it through 8 times within 2 years. And because of his transformed life, his whole family came to know the Lord, because of his life that is changed so evidently.
after reading the bible for 2 years, he was attached to the church for a year. and in just a year, god calls him to go Kampot village and starts a centre to bless the orphans there.
Being a city boy in phnom pehn, he has no prior knowledge of constructing a house and farming.

Yet he went ahead anyway, stepping out of his comfort zone and build the house named "hope centre" brick by brick for 2 years. and started farming and taking care of goats, sheeps and more. Without any knowledge to do all these, he rely totally on God, and God provided abundantly. Still remembered there was once, half of the animals he took care of died and he is in need of cash. And during that period, the market price of those animals doubled! Wow!

After he built the house, he named it "hope centre"; to bring hope to the village kids there who were not being taken care of by their parents or are left alone. He washed their hair once in 2 weeks, he provided free breakfast for them every single day, knowing that at home they only can afford rice with soya sauce. His mum woke up at 430 in the morning to prepared rice, egg, veggi and even meat! They are really serving to their best and not their leftovers. Making me feel that being so blessed in Singapore, I could do more as well.
He provided free tutu for them so that they can travel to school and back to the centre without having to walk 5km. He taught them Khmer everyday and conduct Sunday school. His love for people is really tremendous and that's something very attractive to me as well. I hope to be as serving as him, and as humble as him too!
He went on to teach the kids not to steal, there was once all the shoes placed outside were stolen, knowing it was them, he discipline them and speak truth and character of God into their lives. He gave his all to educate the next generation, hoping that they will grow up to be a better person, and not following his footsteps last time. :''')
Furthermore, he has learnt to love people that are hard to love. His neighbour is well-known for boasting and lying about his achievement, they occupy a huge yard but not utilising it as the land is not suitable to plant wheat. He take extra effort to talk to them and even teaching them how to farm other plants, sharing God's love to them. and now, their yard are occupied with beautiful flowers and his neighbour who has not farmed for 15 years, has changed. and because of this change, many people living near the village starts to notice pastor chang hou and the god that is within him :)

While he is getting tired of all the farming and taking care of the kids every single day, God provided 2 Christians to help him from Singapore! God answered his prayer requests.

There was once I felt god's calling to do teaching, but I disobey because there are too much fear. I realised I would feel more stress to disobey then to step out and obey. Sorry dad, if given a chance again, I will obey.

How I grew in my walk with God through this stm..
1) more willing to be uncomfortable for God
2) really see for myself how God provides. He provided for both the pastors we met at Cambodia. and provided our team and myself the right words and message to said to the kids.
3) Heart of obedience to the holy spirit.

Did street evangelism first time in my life!
Was quite fearful initially, but more excitement to see how God is gonna work, have an image that Jesus is just walking beside me as I do his work. He said: be my hands and feet, the kingdom of god is at hands!
went to several people and prayed for them, for healing providence and them to experience God's love. Shared the bridge diagram for my very first time to a total stranger. WOW. such a powerful experience and thank God for all the seeds that were sown that day.

What I learnt about leadership as I led this team:
``spirit of servant hood, serve like how Jesus serve, not just humbly yourself by thinking of yourself less (but not think less of yourself); outdo one naother in showing honour.
and to also serve with a joyful heart, we should be joyful when it comes to seeking his presence and doing his work, but not finding it a chore.
`` be spirit led: always asking the spirit to guide you on what to say and how to lead.

New about missions I've learnt
1) how praying to god and involved god even in our preparation is so so important. pray to know his heart for the people there etc.
2) mission is all about our relationship with god, and not just how many lost souls we had saved.
3) not about quantity( new churches), but quality, deep-rooted Christians. --> importance of discipleship
4) Christians should not be comfortable and "gather", but to scatter and spread the gospel! stepping out of comfort zone and obey
1) share what we experience to light up the missionary heart in all Christians.
2) send groups next year, follow up to junliang
3) Have the same missionary heart towards MDIS
4) be rooted in the word of God so as to bear good fruits! --> SBS night school/hope seminar and read up more on Christian books
5) Having a heart to serve joyfully, like how pastor chang hou and pastor ben serve the kids--> apply it to being the worship leader and guitarist.
6) be more intentional in my family. be salt and light so that they will get to know jesus and allows me to go back Cambodia again next year.

7) train my Khmer language

The very last day in phnom pehn, as I was chilling in KFC, I was sharing with pastor ben my family persecution story and how I came to know the lord. Lord and behold, an African lady was just sitting opposite me and listening as well. after I shared, she interrupted and said that she is actually a pastor and a 10 years missionary in Cambodia! she was from a Muslin family and she was the very first Christian, afterwards her whole family came to know the lord, and she has a calling to be a missionary. She encouraged me and look at me in the eye, telling me not to give up doing his work and in his timing god can do a miracle in my family. I can totally felt that she is talking to my spiritual being. and she mentioned to me not to leave this place without saving a soul. "save a soul, save, a soul"


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