STM cambodia continued

Kids colouring and cutting. Fun craft work together

Free breakfast every morning for village kids. so giving. :'')


writing what they love.

WHOA! built a volleyball court all by ourselves. and learnt that as we go deep into the roots, more weeds will be pluck out. so for our relationship with God! as we draw closer and deeper with him, more weeds(sins) are pluck out as well when the holy spirit poke us.

Prodigal son skit. wellact

Be like a tree!

Thankful for these 2 girls. and to led this team. :)

they are so excited for obstacles games!

visiting the farm!

first day, playing eagles and chicks. the eager is tired. hahahaha! cause mother hen has such long arms!

last day at village, sunday school. draw the Samaritan story for the kids to understand!

baby goat! so cute!

first day, soccer with kids!

wake up at 5am to prepare breakfast!

working hard!

they are able to discern their shepherd voice! what about us?

matthew sharing his testimony to the kids

God's love cover all our fears, and also what we love as well!

happily playing zero point and skipping!

such divine appointment with the host. and with Hope center :)

Lazy and Zoey are so cute!

I love you jesus, I grow up knowing you, I love you jesus, I grow up serving you

writing the fruits of the spirit.

this girl likes me! aww!

David, so gifted in music!

Free tutu to school!

the most serving man I met. washing hair of the kids once in 2 weeks. :'')

wheres the 10 cent coin?


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