Pioneering in year two sem 2.
recently met up jiajia for shepherding..
she said she sees me as a pillar of support for the lg, something that I never knew..
I shall be a pillar that is strong and firm for God and His people..
so many things going through my head,,
Geraldine, still rmb how you connect to Pam? the effort and time you put in?
give to sher the same way u gave to pam!
jiajia told me she kinda give up or her and don't see her as her sheep anymore..
Know jiajia is just being harsh with words but she definitely doesn't mean this way..
every single one matters to God..
Matthew 18;12 "If a man has a hundred sheep and one of them wanders away, what will he do? Won't he leave the ninety-nine others on the hills and go out to search for the one that is lost?
Luke 15:4 "Suppose one of you has a hundred sheep and loses one of them. Doesn't he leave the ninety-nine in the open country and go after the lost sheep until he finds it?"
God mentioned the same thing twice, this is how much God matters every single person, and being a Christian is to go, and not be in our own confront zone..
Am I giving my 100% for this person? am I treating my Lg mate like how God would?
They are all God's people and God cares for them.
Shouldn't I care for them as well and treat all of them like my very own sheep? shows care and love for them, encourage them, sacrifice for them, share life with them?
and now is the period of time when jiajia is losing heart, all the more I should go and help..
Geraldine, love is an action verb. u love because God loves you..
Prayer for the year:" Dad, do not let me lose this heart of compassion for people, especially for the lost souls.. as we are sent to pioneer, to reach out to people and point them to you, sustain me and remind me the reason for why I love, is because of you. it's always been you.. stir in my heart whenever I'm tired or lost track, open my eyes to see the needs of these lost souls. they need a saviour in their life..."
she said she sees me as a pillar of support for the lg, something that I never knew..
I shall be a pillar that is strong and firm for God and His people..
so many things going through my head,,
Geraldine, still rmb how you connect to Pam? the effort and time you put in?
give to sher the same way u gave to pam!
jiajia told me she kinda give up or her and don't see her as her sheep anymore..
Know jiajia is just being harsh with words but she definitely doesn't mean this way..
every single one matters to God..
Matthew 18;12 "If a man has a hundred sheep and one of them wanders away, what will he do? Won't he leave the ninety-nine others on the hills and go out to search for the one that is lost?
Luke 15:4 "Suppose one of you has a hundred sheep and loses one of them. Doesn't he leave the ninety-nine in the open country and go after the lost sheep until he finds it?"
God mentioned the same thing twice, this is how much God matters every single person, and being a Christian is to go, and not be in our own confront zone..
Am I giving my 100% for this person? am I treating my Lg mate like how God would?
They are all God's people and God cares for them.
Shouldn't I care for them as well and treat all of them like my very own sheep? shows care and love for them, encourage them, sacrifice for them, share life with them?
and now is the period of time when jiajia is losing heart, all the more I should go and help..
Geraldine, love is an action verb. u love because God loves you..
Prayer for the year:" Dad, do not let me lose this heart of compassion for people, especially for the lost souls.. as we are sent to pioneer, to reach out to people and point them to you, sustain me and remind me the reason for why I love, is because of you. it's always been you.. stir in my heart whenever I'm tired or lost track, open my eyes to see the needs of these lost souls. they need a saviour in their life..."