
Showing posts from 2014

to the prostitues

do you know that you are worth more than gold and diamonds? you are worth more than the most valuable things on earth. You are immeasurable, you are priceless. In the eyes of the almighty one, you are like a precious gem, unique, fearfully and wonderfully made. don't consider yourself as filthy, worthless, trash or down to nothing. because THOSE ARE ALL LIES!! You are made pure as snow by the blood of jesus. You are no longer condemned. And this is the truth. You are deeply loved and highly favoured. This is the truth. There is someone who loves you so much that it drove him to the cross for your sake. This is the truth. That u shall no longer live in darkness but in the light of jesus. This is the truth. And the truth shall set you free. My first prayer walk at geylang. Joined the women outreach this sem and was kinda overwhelmed. There's so much needs out there. The place is so dark.. not just dark literally but is so dark figuratively. A place that u cant seems to...

Y camp challenge 2014 december

just a short post.. went for this camp straight after my last paper. To be honest my objective is more to connect to Eunice who is going to the camp as well. thinking that it will provide me with more opportunity to disciple and fellowship with her, to speak into her life. but then.. like super sian please, she last minute cannot come cause she's sick. And I couldn't really enjoy myself on the first day of camp cause I still have post-exam syndrome. not really in the mood to make new friends through icebreakers and first day the buddies are not there yet. almost wanted to back out from camp and go home rest, since Eunice is not here anyways... But then, since im there, guess god can make me learn something from there... so I persisted on. and I was attached to a beneficiary named Marcus who is an autistic 13 year old boy. Oh my god... trust me, I interacted with quite a few different beni with different condition. and he is the toughest. Guess God is testing my patient ...

year 3 sem1 reflection

this sem is very different, so so many breakthrough and growth through his word and people... These few songs I listen to and comfort me.. Hold my hand (in dialect service) " hold my hand, please don't leave me, sometimes I feel that I cant hear your voice" this is very applicable especially when it comes to my upcoming 21st birthday party, been fasting from fast food for it. Amazing love: been 2 years and once again, i'm touched by this song. It reminds me of Jesus and God's love through the cross... I'm so undeserving, but yet, when you were on the cross, I was in your mind.. (': and this gives me the courage to share your love to all my friends and family members. Lover of my heart " you're my friend, you're my father, I want to talk to you in the good and the bad, all I need is a moment of grace, it's in you that I have the faith to stand and be strong, I know im no longer bound, and I have the power to love and forgive' so...

21st party for you

"your love have seen me through all my days, I stand here by your grace... I want the world to know. God of my forever, and forever I'm with you." After my short term mission in June, I had the urged to do an evangelism party for my 21st. And as I was packing my stuff few days back after exam, I saw a prayer note I had before the sem starts. It says: " God I'm thinking of doing an evangelistic party for my 21st, but so much fear. Please grow and mature me for the next few months so that I have enough courage and fear to do that for your will. in jesus name, Amen" I still have a lot of fear, wanted to share a video about God to my friends and family on that day, but I just couldn't find a projector to do so. God please provide.. you know the desires in my heart, and I know the desire that's in yours, is for people to be saved. My birthday is the best opportunity, my friends and family will all be there, and is My Day, I can say and share anyth...

There is only one thing harder from living the christian life. love this song; Sinking deep. :D Received another book from Jeanette! My take-away from it.. Nothing wrong with excelling, but if it begins to twist you, then it's a temptation. My life was to be more than cars or keeping up with others. Going for missions meant no spending money that would make us richer than the islanders If you get proud, God cant use you. confession to man brings humility and unity and makes a repetent person ready to receive God's healing of mind, emotion and body. Living the Christian life is difficult, there is only one thing harder--> that's not being a Christian. Guidance is first of all a relationship with the Guide. it is to lead us to a closer relationship with Jesus. There is nothing wrong with tools, but its sad if the tools ever supersede the lord himself. This is what hearing God is all about, getting to know him better. 1. Ask him to help you silence your thoughts and desires and th...

blessings to remember!

modules given by God. Mdis friend peiling gave me back to school welfare pack 2 prologue freshies came for immeasurable service! Prayed for my second sis to get a job, and her coming to church. How I can forgive my sister . She loves me back through 2014 birthday, she gave me a bookmark and a pen. He healed my eyes during CNY visit! I lost my nric and supernaturally found it from my colleague ! Liwei blessed me with dinner and pancakes! God bless me with tiny snacks at HQ or mdis whenever im hungry God gave me Jenny!

My new sheep!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

OMG so exciting! new sheep, so honour to serve you God, and take care of your kids. Thank you for giving me this privilege. So excited to see how you're going to grow Meiyen :) We met for our very first shepherding at Jalan Sultan~ Felt like a tourist with her. HAHA!

perks of holiday

Catch up with Jiexin after not meeting her for months! Went to November 8 at upper Thomson and also salted caramel icecream shop! YUM!     Special service; immeasurable! Eunice came to hope church for her very first time! joined the Kaplan lg for dinner :D and met my dear sheep Liwei for shepherding before service! Super love the icecream flavour, peanut butter(I think) and chocolate!

Making Jesus Lord

Everything we have is given to us by God for a time, to use for his glory. laying down my rights is a key to winning major battles with the formidable forces of satan. The only way to conquer us to submit. Jesus has shown it. We have nothing that he hasn't given us. When we freely give to Him, it is bcas we want to show Him our love. God owns all the earth, the universe, but when we give Him what he has blessed us with, the expression of our love brings joy to his father heart. Give up something good and receive something of greater value; give up your rights/life and receive greater privileges with God. you do the possible, God will do the impossible. If he be God and died for me, No sacrifice too great can be For me, a mortal man, to make; I'll do it all for Jesus' sake. If you are living in the will of God, you are a missionary on the job wherever you work. There was a women sent from God whose name was Geraldine Ruth You don't need a call--> you...

Family trip


Uni Camp 2014; 300

to impact the nation of Singapore and nations around us is so far beyond ourselves, likened to 300 vs 135000 Midianites, without God it is impossible to succeed. Victory is from God and God alone. TIM: CHARACTERISTICS OF WARRIORS> God is testing our obedience when he wants us to do things that doesn't make sense to us. Are you willing to be embarrass or lose face for Him? If you are wrong, admit it. Gerry, don't be proud k? don't think you are very spiritual, you are not, just a lost soul saved and used by God. that's all. :) Don't be individualistic, proud or competitive. The world teaches us to be better/ to get attention. but god wants us to be united as one. without the rest of the body, you are nothing. Preparation takes place long before. It is a day in day out thing. We learn by mistakes, many of them. would you give up because of discouragement? God will raise you, just be disciplined and focused. Don't Give Up. Not everything will go your way, but...

first visible fruit im thankful for

been sowing on many people since I know God. My sisters, nat, ruifen, heinrich, lili, Sabrina, and the list goes on. know that through my words and action, and the help of God, they are drawn towards Christ someway or another. But Pengyan is the first fruit I saw so evidently wanting to cross the line of faith and her desire for God is so great! Wow. truly is God who can touch people's heart in such an extend. never wanna forget this testimony. First fruit for supernatural pioneering at MDIS! PRAISE THE LORD! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU JESUS! :D I'm so so grateful to you. Continue to use me as a vessel in my family Lord. 2 years later I wanna be thanking you for saving my sis and mum as well!

STM cambodia continued

Kids colouring and cutting. Fun craft work together Free breakfast every morning for village kids. so giving. :'')   writing what they love. WHOA! built a volleyball court all by ourselves. and learnt that as we go deep into the roots, more weeds will be pluck out. so for our relationship with God! as we draw closer and deeper with him, more weeds(sins) are pluck out as well when the holy spirit poke us. Prodigal son skit. wellact Be like a tree! Thankful for these 2 girls. and to led this team. :) they are so excited for obstacles games! visiting the farm! first day, playing eagles and chicks. the eager is tired. hahahaha! cause mother hen has such long arms! last day at village, sunday school. draw the Samaritan story for the kids to understand! baby goat! so cute! first day, soccer with kids! wake up at 5am to prepare breakfast! working hard! they are able to discern their shepherd voice! what ab...