Uni Camp 2013

 This camp has impacted me so much as compared to last year :)

Every life will tells a story, what's yours?
One generation later, the legacy of noble human beings are usually forgotten.
Only spiritual legacy will last.
Thus, is not whether if people remember you, but is if they remember Jesus.
Faith takes practice to stand firm when problems come. Don't wait till you "get there" then u start building strong relationship with Christ.
Have the voluntarily humility to seek God and need him despite being all well to do.
James 4:6 : God opposes the proud but give grace to the humble
God is more interested in your heart than your skills.

God is the author of love. Let Him write my love story. He is a giver and wants to bless :)
"Seek first his kingdom and righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well"
Being with a non-believer, think about values and what will happen when crisis strikes.
The key to lasting love is to practice selfless love, grow yourself and start practicing.
Is not what u get from your partner but what u can give.
Philippians 2:3-4 " Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility, consider others better than yourselves.
Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others."

God is the role model in selfless love. Find your security in God.
Is better to be single than marry the wrong person.
Want to take this time to thank God for guarding my heart and protecting me in this area. :)

Be a salt and light in your vocation.
Even if you could not see God's hand, continue to trust in God's heart and character. God is love and love is kind and patient.
He is faithful and will bring you through, stand firm

love the giver more than the gifts.

lead your life right and submit to leaders. :)

These are what God has spoken to me which I do not wish to forget.

Really glad that the lg are now more bonded spiritually after camp.

Something that I've learnt through the Mass games"20-legged"
First time see NUS so united in cheering "1 and 2 and, 1 and 2 and!!"
Yup! and we won!
This game reminds me of the people I'm trying to outreach to for their salvation..
Every step of the game is painful as we are all tamped very tightly at our ankle.
Every painful step is like every rejection I faced when I'm inviting my friends and family.
But by not giving up on any steps, you will eventually reach your goal and the whole heaven will cheer for that person salvation, just like how the whole NUS district cheer when we won.

With Wen Min and Rui Jun. Both serve to their best for the camp. Thank God for them!


Lg giving our best to dress up for the Lord's supper. Wearing the crown of thorns.

My roomie Sher!

My shepherd that shows a lot of concern for spiritual walk with God

Friendship band from my brother Wee Keong!

With Huiwei that just left SG :)



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