My defining chapters.
Defining Chapters
#1 insecurities
I was extremely rebellious during my secondary school period. I was addicted to gaming, not interested in studies and do things that does not honour my parents (including pointing middle finger at them, don't judge me uh! ) Vulgarities is a norm for me. I started to question myself what is the purpose in life. I was a very unforgiving person, still remember how I threw my friend's textbook away just because I was pissed with her. I never had real joy.
#2 A joyful heart
My life was transform inside out when my friend brought me to church. I choose take a step of faith to trust in him. I found unconditional love from God which I never believe existed. He is real, he is so so real in my life. I still remember asking God for help to turn away from my sins, and miraculously I stopped saying vulgarities almost instantly which most people will take a long while to quit this bad habit. I started putting in more effort for studies to glorify God and honour my parents. Learn to be more giving and encouraging, not expecting anything in return but just to share the love I got from God. No more insecurities as god has accepted me for who I am, all by his grace.
On 2006, salvation came to me. For Jesus came to seek and save the lost, and He found me.
#3 Harden heart
#1 insecurities
I was extremely rebellious during my secondary school period. I was addicted to gaming, not interested in studies and do things that does not honour my parents (including pointing middle finger at them, don't judge me uh! ) Vulgarities is a norm for me. I started to question myself what is the purpose in life. I was a very unforgiving person, still remember how I threw my friend's textbook away just because I was pissed with her. I never had real joy.
#2 A joyful heart
My life was transform inside out when my friend brought me to church. I choose take a step of faith to trust in him. I found unconditional love from God which I never believe existed. He is real, he is so so real in my life. I still remember asking God for help to turn away from my sins, and miraculously I stopped saying vulgarities almost instantly which most people will take a long while to quit this bad habit. I started putting in more effort for studies to glorify God and honour my parents. Learn to be more giving and encouraging, not expecting anything in return but just to share the love I got from God. No more insecurities as god has accepted me for who I am, all by his grace.
On 2006, salvation came to me. For Jesus came to seek and save the lost, and He found me.
#3 Harden heart
A very badly written chapter. If I could rewind time, I would have rewrite this chapter and choose to obey God and stand firm. After knowing God for quite sometime, I start to see leaders leaving.. I changed 3 shepherds within months. Bad experience either makes you stronger or bitter. The latter happens to me. I made a bad decision, to leave church and stop serving him. In other words, I was a backslider. I questioned God why is this happening? if he's real why are people leaving? this chapter happens when I was in early sec 4, and I did not attend PJLG for 2 years.
In JC, I rely on myself and not going though it with God.
It was horrible.
In JC, I rely on myself and not going though it with God.
It was horrible.
I realise I lost the joy I initially have with Jesus. I know this couldn't go on.
and during December 2011,i choose to go back church. At that point of time, I felt that if u truly love God, u will want to give back and do something, just like how God love us and give up his one and only son, Jesus, to die for us.
#4 God speaks, a faith filled life
and during December 2011,i choose to go back church. At that point of time, I felt that if u truly love God, u will want to give back and do something, just like how God love us and give up his one and only son, Jesus, to die for us.
#4 God speaks, a faith filled life
When I went service after not attending for a long time, God speaks.
The teaching was the importance of LG, how we spur and encourage each other towards love and good deeds, and how LG members are a reflection of yourself.
and God makes it in the way that just nice that service I went was the last service at nexus auditorium, if I never went, I will never know where hope church have move to.
another God's plan is that he makes someone to spot me after the service, Eunice, which was just nice from PJLG! eventually she invited me to the LG and I said yes. This is all God's plan for me to go back and serve him again.
Ever since, I tell myself that I want to be faithful and stand firm no matter what. I look up to God and not the people. This was a defining chapter for me.
In PJLG, I start to grow very slowly though God's word from Merly and Eunice.
Can serve jiu serve, bu ke yi serve, try again next week. haha!
another defining chapter is also how I rely on God during my Uni application :)
#5 Life in Uni, peace in God
The teaching was the importance of LG, how we spur and encourage each other towards love and good deeds, and how LG members are a reflection of yourself.
and God makes it in the way that just nice that service I went was the last service at nexus auditorium, if I never went, I will never know where hope church have move to.
another God's plan is that he makes someone to spot me after the service, Eunice, which was just nice from PJLG! eventually she invited me to the LG and I said yes. This is all God's plan for me to go back and serve him again.
Ever since, I tell myself that I want to be faithful and stand firm no matter what. I look up to God and not the people. This was a defining chapter for me.
In PJLG, I start to grow very slowly though God's word from Merly and Eunice.
Can serve jiu serve, bu ke yi serve, try again next week. haha!
another defining chapter is also how I rely on God during my Uni application :)
#5 Life in Uni, peace in God
Trust me, serving in JC ministry is so different from serving in Uni, at least to me personally.
In JC is easier but in uni, u have to really prioritize and may have to give up your rights, be sacrificial, for the kingdom of God.
God tested me to get out of my confront zone, which is a key defining chapter as well.
how I have to give up soccer girls and also uniy exco position to focus on pastoral ministry.
I scored much worse in uni as compared to JC. But I have peace and joy as compared to my JC times. my uni life was also the time when I take courage and faith to invite my sister and friends that I have conflict before in sec school to church and know who this God really is and how real he is.
To me, a lot of decisions that u make for God is a defining chapter of your story.
Little moments build up the defining character in you..
In JC is easier but in uni, u have to really prioritize and may have to give up your rights, be sacrificial, for the kingdom of God.
God tested me to get out of my confront zone, which is a key defining chapter as well.
how I have to give up soccer girls and also uniy exco position to focus on pastoral ministry.
I scored much worse in uni as compared to JC. But I have peace and joy as compared to my JC times. my uni life was also the time when I take courage and faith to invite my sister and friends that I have conflict before in sec school to church and know who this God really is and how real he is.
To me, a lot of decisions that u make for God is a defining chapter of your story.
Little moments build up the defining character in you..