Humbled by this experience to dance on stage for the audience of One, ministering to others through dance. Thank You Lord, all glory to you. That first step of obedience is the toughest. I know full well someone else could do a better job than me, and know that it is by the grace of God that I can be involved in His kingdom, serving Him and ministering to others. When I was doubting my abilities, secretly hoping that the leader will change his mind and get someone else to do it, God never stop searching my heart and tells me who am I in Him, that it is indeed all about Him and not me. He bring me back to this very reason of why I started dancing for Him. "I'll bring you more than a dance, for a dance in itself, is not what you've required. You searched much deeper within, through the way things appear, You're looking into my heart." (heart of worship) The world looks at efficiency and capability, but God looks at the hear...