How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news

There are 26 Children's/ Residential Home in Singapore. Over 3000+ children/youths that are residing and cared for in an out-of-home environment. Some may have been there for years. 

My family may not be perfect, but I have experienced the warmth and rewards of it. I do not have to worry about my 3 meals and physical safety. I am blessed with a sheltered roof over my head, toys to play with in my childhood and a loving environment that I feel emotionally safe and valued. 

These 3000+ children admitted are those who are either from dysfunctional families and in need of shelter, abused or neglected. Most are in need of care and protection. For those beyond parental control or in conflict with the law, they are in need of guidance and care.

Behind every single number on screen, is a life with potential. One that He has a purpose for and gave His life for. One with a story to tell, and a breakthrough to proclaim. 

Though I may not be able to be on the ground with them, I know I have a great, good, loving and powerful God that I could pray to. Join me in prayer as well. I know He is watching over every single one of them, and breakthroughs, restoration, healing, and the rebuilding work is ongoing. 

The Salvation Army Gracehaven
Pertapis Centre for Women and Girls
Singapore Boys’ Hostel
Muhammadiyah Welfare Home
The Salvation Army  The Haven
Pertapis Children's Home
Chen Su Lan Methodist Children's Home
Sunbeam Place
Marymount Centre, Ahuva Good Shepherd
Boys’ Town
Gladiolus Place
Ramakrishna Mission Boys’ Home
Darul Ihsan Orphanage (Boys)
Darul Ihsan Lilbanat (Girls)
Children’s Aid Society, Melrose Home
Jamiyah Children’s Home
DaySpring Residential Treatment Centre
MWS Girls' Residence
Epworth HomeSweetHome
MINDSville @ Napiri - Children's Wing
Red Cross Home for the Disabled (Children)
THK Home for the Disabled (Children)
Singapore Boys' Home
Singapore Girls' Home

Lord, remind me that I am not working for recognition or praise, for status or for money, for these things in the world come and go like the wind. You have already given me everything, my identity in You. 
Make my way prosperous and purposeful not that I achieve high station, but that my life can be an exhibit to the value of knowing God, and that Your will can be done in me and through me. For the above 26 homes, give me the wisdom and strength needed to derive godly policies that enables reunification, that brings comfort to the brokenhearted, and to proclaim the captives of abuse will be released, prisoners of their past will be freed, and all who mourn will be given a crown of beauty instead of ashes, bless with joy instead of despair, a double share of honour instead of their shame. Let the breaches be repaired and the streets be restored, in You.

"Heal my heart and make it clear
Open up my eyes to the things unseen
Show me how to love like you have loved me."Romans 10:15 NKJV - Beautiful Feet Share The Gospel. - Facebook Cover Photo  - My Bible


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