Partnership at work

Most of us start our careers with enthusiasm and anticipation for what the future will hold. But when you add in the inevitable disappointments, failures, interpersonal tension, and unrealistic demands, suddenly work feels more like a jail sentence than the key to freedom. Viewing work without God can have this effect on even the most passionate men and women.

Learning to let my focus move from self to others as I being praying quietly for those around me.

Prayer points:

1. coworkers will come to know and follow Jesus.
2. those who do follow Jesus will boldly lead change in the workplace.
3. coworkers that I'm comfortable with and the ones that aren't so easy to love.
4. Pray for my workplace.
5. Pray for myself, that God will ignite a fire in me to go that extra mile, to care more, and to work more diligently.

I believe in being excellent at work, listening well, praying quietly, and encouraging others creates the foundation for a spiritual community in the workplace. It is all about relationships, to really know your coworkers and to invest wisely.

Creating a spiritual community at work is strategic and life-changing for everyone involved. I spend most of my waking hours at work, and it is in the workplace that I can invest in the lives of others. Meeting rooms, lunchrooms, offices, cubicles - these are the places where the truth of scripture can be lived out, and impacting others is possible.

May you open my eyes and my heart to see needs and pray for my coworkers. Help me to practice the discipline of prayer consistently. As I pray, change me, change others, and change my workplace.

Help me to find reliable men and reliable women in my workplace. Help me to see the small moments to make a big difference. Help me take advantage of the opportunities to be excellent, listen well, pray quietly, and encourage others. Lord, I ask that my workplace be a place where a spiritual community grows. Amen.

“Soldiers don’t get tied up in the affairs of civilian life, for then they cannot please the officer who enlisted them.”

“So, my dear brothers and sisters, be strong and immovable. Always work enthusiastically for the Lord, for you know that nothing you do for the Lord is ever useless.”

‭‭1 Corinthians‬ ‭15:58‬ ‭NLT‬‬


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