
There have been circumstances that will expose my weakness, yet God's power is made perfect in our weakness. Life’s challenges can sometimes erode my confidence in who I am in Christ and lead me to doubt myself. But shouldn't it work the other way? When we stand firm in the truth of who we are in Christ, our circumstances no longer have an upper hand. Instead, our identity in Christ as His child redefines our stance in such circumstances, and there is no need to earn approval from others. Biblical adulting leans on God, and with this reliance, it should change the way we pray.

Despite being imprisoned on a couple of different occasions and being rejected by close friends, the apostle Paul never lost sight of whom he belonged to and what he was called to do. His perspective on his circumstances was defined by his identity in Christ! Because of that, he was able to stand firm, even in prison, and maximize each situation as a new opportunity to share the love of Jesus, similarly for Daniel whilst being in exalt.

A soldier obeys commands, endures, fights on and completes the mission that was entrusted to him. No soldier gets entangled in civilian pursuits since his aim is to please the one who enlisted him. Thus it is clear to put Him first.

Am I letting other things in the world take away my priority to put Jesus first?

"An athlete is not crowned unless he competes according to the rules.", a reminder for me to live out God's values through His Word and to partner with the holy spirit.

"It is the hardworking farmer who ought to have the first share of the crops." The farmer's job is often tedious, boring, mundane, even so, he/she has to work hard, regardless if they're noticed or recognized. We are ultimately working for God, and not for people (Col 3:23-24)

My hard work is a witness for Christ. A great first step is to be excellent. Excellence is not perfection but is defined as of high quality or outstanding. However, excellence at work is not to be motivated by performance or promotion. Instead, the motivation is to build trust by honoring others. Bringing excellence at work can encompass being a team, valuing and listening to others. Valuing the time of others is a great way to bring excellence. It can be as small as getting to the meeting a bit early to greet everyone, turning on the lights, or turning on the monitor. Delivering projects on time or asking for an extension well in advance is bringing excellence to the workplace as well.

Those who work for purely themselves is an ambition that will eventually lead to a sense of complete emptiness. Godly ambition comes from a place of love, humility and a desire to serve. It motivates us to be willing to help someone who is struggling, and sometimes to sacrifice for the good of others. It motivates us to seek God’s will for our work and fills us with joy.

Faith and ambition are meant to co-exist at work, and that happens when your work is motivated by your love for God. Work done with holy intent seeks God’s will, demonstrates love for God and others, and submits to the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

”Work willingly at whatever you do, as though you were working for the Lord rather than for people.” ‭‭Colossians‬ ‭3:23‬ ‭NLT‬‬

I ask you to give me a sense of stillness. Help me practice being quiet. Bring moments at work where I can put listening into practice. Slow my mind and my words so that I can focus on the one speaking. Help me listen well


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