You only have good thoughts about me
You saw who you created me to be before I became me! Before I’d ever seen the light of day, the number of days you planned for me were already recorded in your book. Every single moment you are thinking of me! How precious and wonderful to consider that you cherish me constantly in your every though t! O God, your desires toward me are more than the grains of sand on every shore! When I awake each morning, you’re still with me. Psalm 139:16-18 Sometimes when I looked back at my mistakes, and the hurt I might have caused others, the times when I was impatient towards my parents, moments I did not practice wisdom and kindness, I find it really hard to love myself. Knowing the fact that God, the one who knows it all, yet still says He loves me, and not just that, but He likes me as a person, cherish me constantly in His every thought and desires me more than the grains of sand on every shore, that's something overwhelming and I can never underst...