
Showing posts from March, 2017

Jesus washes the disciples' feet

It's not easy watching Jesus wash these feet. But he doesn't speak. He removes his robe and takes the servant's wrap off the wall.  Taking the pitcher, he pours the water into the basin.  He kneels before them with the basin and sponge and begins to wash.  Isn't it enough that these hands will be pierced in the morning?  Must they scrub grime tonight?  and the disciples.. do they deserve to have their feet washed?  Their affections have waned; their loyalties have wavered. You can hear them sneaking away from the soldiers. They make promises tonight. They'll make tracks tomorrow. Look around the table, Jesus. Out of the twelve, how many will stand with you in Pilate's court? How many will share with you the Roman whip? And when you fall under the weight of the cross, which disciple will be close enough to spring to your side and carry your burden? None of them will. Not one. A stranger will be called because no disciple will be near. Someti...

Am I starting to have wrinkles on my heart?

The treasure that I choose, is a treasure that last. Nothing I desire, could ever come close, to what I have in you. Forgive my desire, forgive every motive, forgive my intention, cause i'd rather have you. If it's not your will God, I don't even want it. Now I surrender, cause I'd rather have you.. I just want you Jesus.  Lord, I pray for my life to provoke others into godly jealousy, or to sell out more completely to Jesus, and to what Keith Green had said it. Be it just a song, the way I love and serve, my heart, what's inside and outside. Oh Lord, you're beautiful Your face is all I seek.  And when you're face in on this child,  Your grace abounds to me I wanna take your love and spread it all around first help me just to submit Lord and when i'm feeling down,  help me to rely on you for my reward is to know you more.  Search me God, and know my heart, Test me and know my anxious thoughts. See if there is a...

Mat 20:1-6

"Jesus’ story makes no economic sense, and that was his intent. He was giving us a parable about grace, which cannot be calculated like a day’s wages. Grace is not about finishing last or first; it is about not counting. We receive grace as a gift from God, not as something we toil to earn... The employer in Jesus’ story did not cheat the full-day workers by paying everyone for one hour’s work instead of twelve. No, the full-day workers got what they were promised. Their disc ontent arose from the scandalous mathematics of grace. They could not accept that their employer had the right to do what he wanted with his money when it meant paying scoundrels twelve times what they deserved. Significantly, many Christians who study this parable identify with the employees who put in a full day’s work, rather than the add-ons at the end of the day. We like to think of ourselves as responsible workers, and the employer’s strange behavior baffles us as it did the original hearers. We ...

Even so come

When we arrive at eternity's shore Where death is just a memory and tears are no more We'll enter in as the wedding bells ring Your bride will come together and we'll sing You're beautiful Like a bride waiting for the groom, we'all be a church waiting for you Every heart longing for our King..