
Showing posts from August, 2016

God's will through the storm

  First Bread with love at TPY! Man does not live on bread alone.. but with Sherlynn.. :p What a joy to be able to serve and be His hands and feet in anyways I could, however small it may seems..  Met a 80 year old uncle while distributing bread.. and His story really breaks my heart. It has been a week since I met him but I still feel so burden till now. It feels as though God has placed his emotions in mine.  He works as a social worker, but in the midst of giving, he became skeptical that God is good. As he go on to share about his resentment towards God's silence in natural evil; such as earthquakes and death, and how God can go on sitting comfortably at His throne and watching his people suffer, my heart can't help but to break, for I know all that he is sharing about others is just a facade of what he himself have experienced that compelled him to doubt His goodness or existence.  How can you hate something that you don't believe exist?...

the remedy in an act of faith

Are you proud of me?

I will live to love you,  I will live to bring you praise, I will live a child in awe of you.. As I became more aware of my sins, flaws and imperfections in the presence of God, I am undone. I confessed my fear, is that He will turn His face away from me. I desire so much to hear from Him that He is proud of me as His daughter that it gets me when I kept falling. I know in His words that I am righteous because of Jesus's blood shed at the cross. I am now not a sinner but a saint in the making (romans 6, 1 cor6). It awes me to know that nothing I can do or not do can separate me with the love of Christ (romans 8:38). As I looked down in disappointment, finding it hard to even love me, his presence and words gently embraced me. He led me to Matthew 3:17 , as He is saying this to Jesus His son, He also meant that for me. " I am proud of you. You are my daughter, whom I love; with you I am well pleased. Never will I leave you, never will I forsake you (Deu 31:6) Ahhhh.....

Who am I?

"Who are you?" sounds like a simple question requiring a simple answer, but it really isn't.  Most would say their name, for instance, "I'm Davy Geraldine." But no, that's just your name. "I'm a youth worker."  No, that's what you do. "I'm a Singaporean."  No, that's where you're born. I could also say I'm tall and lean. However, my physical appearance and dimensions aren't me either. if you chopped off my arms and legs would i still be me? Yes. If you transplanted my heart, kidneys or liver would i still be me? of course! Who I am, though, is far more than what you see on the outside. The apostle Paul said" we recognize no man according to the flesh "(2 cor 5:16)  and the question for myself is; Is who you are determined by what you do, or is what you do determined by who you are? We tend to accept the false belief that good appearance plus the admiration it brings equa...