Shadow of the Almighty

Fresh thoughts come, and I have failed to record them, so now they are gone. 
Last month was a time of transition, while feeling rather sad to say goodbye to the Uni ministry that grew me to who I am today, I am entering and taking up new challenges in the transition grads group. In merely 2 weeks I have taken and seen so much of God, or perhaps this is just a glimpse of it. 
It's been a while to be so filled in the spirit through fellowship. True fellowship is like 2 mild lit candles that were initially far apart. As they share life, the closeness between them unintentionally caused their flame to touch one another, feeling encouraged and refreshed. Fellowship isn't suppose to be structured and rigid, where people are far apart and we have to intentionally lit the candles up with a lighter. The stirring emotions within me when I speak with like-minded people, it is more than just iron sharpening iron, but is that moment when Jonathan met David, someone who is running alongside with you with the same vision. I'm just so thankful to God that He placed someone such as so around me at such a timely season, when I am about to step into the uncertainty and get my feet wet. 

Vision is one thing. carrying it through is another. It is amazing how Yvonne and I were each other answered prayers, that she would to step up with someone that she could flow along to run with, and the same for me. To pioneer a new region, and now with Sherlynn in the team, we are all set to go.
Was reminded of the pioneering history of SMU, my hair stands the moment on how that SMU leader; which I can't recall the name, split the whole ministry in groups of 4, challenging them that if they want the group to grow beyond 4, the only way is to pioneer. I was so inspired by that. That is truly the way. That sense of urgency to win the school/market place/region for Jesus. The zeal for God, and the faith in God, without action/deeds, are indeed dead. 

"You will not be thirsty my child, I will fill you up."

What He spoke to me today was a confirmation with the word I came across in a book.
Because I am righteous, I will see you. When I awake, I will see you face to face and be satisfied.

I recalled a question my sheep asked recently, of what are my fears in pioneering..
Taken aback, it caught me thinking that It's isn't about seeing no fruits, for w
hat Yvonne shared was still vivid in my mind.

The success of witnessing is to take action, and not the outcome..

It also isn't rejection, for I kinda expected that in pioneering. Like the parables of the talents, there is no growth without risk and a facing up to fear.
What i'm dreadful of is His presence isn't with us. I could be doing the general will of God, but what I used to struggle with is to do his will my way.. not seeking and involving him.. like what my ex- mentor said, i was like a wild fire, spreading the gospel with no direction, i could not be tamed..

"I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go;

    I will counsel you with my loving eye on you.
Do not be like the horse or the mule,
    which have no understanding
but must be controlled by bit and bridle

    or they will not come to you."

Psalm 32:8-9
 i was just like that wild horse. 
 "longing just to bring, something that's of worth, that would bless your heart.(Heart of Worship)"
 Is whatever i'm bringing truly blessing your heart? or is it just fulfilling the way I want your will or things to be? Am i doing your work/ will as a co-worker or am i just stubbornly doing it my way?

Davy. To have a heart like David. For all his obvious powers of leadership he never goes out to lead the people in battle without consultation with Jehovah. "Shall I go up? this lack of self-confidence marks him as God's man for guiding others. He allowed God to press His cause, and the kingdom was established in his hand. To not seek the spotlight but shepherd his people. 

I'm sorry Lord for the things I've made it. Learning to be more teachable and submissive to God in this area. Lord, light these idle sticks of my life and may I burn for You. Consume my life, for it is Yours. I seek not a long life, but a full one, like you Jesus. Be my guide.

May this post be an encouragement to the future me when I'm getting weary as a working adult, and a reminder of the importance of sharing the good news. the unsearchable riches of Christ, the mystery of the gospel that people got to hear!!
The very words of Jim Elliot  "As your life is in His hands, so are the days of your life. But dont let the sands of time get into the eye of your vision to reach those who sit in darkness. they simply must hear. "
A man of God. He died at the age of 29 while preaching the gospel to the unreached tribes in Ecuador. His heart of obedience and submission to the Lord inspires me so much and kept me thinking for days. 

he is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose (Jim, 1949)

In the Kingdom of God we only get to keep what we give away.
He that gathered much had nothing over, And he that gathered little had no lack.
The world will pass away, but he that does the will of God abide forever. 

The testimony of this man sought nothing but the will of God. No one serving as a soldier gets entangled in civilian affairs.Instead,he tries to please his commanding officer (2 tim 2:4) His death was the simple obedience to his captain.

I pray as well, that my life would be an exhibit to the value of knowing God, especially so to my pre-believing family. :) they WILL come to know you..

Jim Elliot's patience and wisdom in dealing with difficult people was a source of wonder to me. An individual from the tribes' is making a mistake, instead of registering embarrassment, frustration, regret or fear, he usually laughs. This habit annoyed and baffled many. It must have been trying for Jim, too, though he learned to love these people, and love has a way of showing what to do.

Carrying through the vision comes at a cost. For Jim, there was a school building just begun, some young believers men who needed nurturing in the WOG, a house and garden which were only now getting into proper shape, to say nth of a wife and 9 months old baby who were dependent upon him. Yet, he obeyed. He applied his years of acquainting himself with God. 
Scriptural principles, God-directed circumstances, and Jim's own inward assurance were consonant. 

This song wreck me 4 years ago, before I entered the Uni ministry. And now I'm reminded of the same song, to bring it to my adult ministry. May this zeal for God never cease even when my strength is failing and my time has come. Still I will bless your name. 

Surely children weren't made for the streets
And fathers were not made to leave
Surely this isn't how it should be
Let Your kingdom come

Surely nations were not made for war
Or the broken meant to be ignored
Surely this just can't be what You saw
Let Your Kingdom come here in my heart

And I will live to carry Your compassion, to love a world that's broken
To be Your hands and feet
And I will give with the life that I've been given
And go beyond religion to see the world be changed

By the power of Your name
The power of Your name

Surely life wasn't made to regret
And the lost were not made to forget
Surely faith without action is dead
Let Your Kingdom come, lord, break this heart

Jesus, Your name is a shelter for the hurting
Your name is a refuge for the weak
Only Your name can redeem the undeserving

Jesus ,Your name holds everything I need


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