One After His Heart

The world saw that Jesus was only eating with tax collectors and sinners, but Jesus saw people in need of the Great Physician.

The world saw only a blind beggar named Bartimaeus shouting above the crowd and disturbing those around him, but Jesus saw a man reaching out in faith and in need of mercy.

The world saw only a crooked tax collector named Zaccheaus becoming rich through the suffering of others, but Jesus saw a man ready to be broken with an act of repentance.

The world saw only the crowds pressing in on Him from all sides, but Jesus sensed the touch of His garment by a trembling woman.

The world saw only the 5 loaves and 2 fishes to feed so many, but Jesus saw a great multitude hungry and in need of compassion.

The world saw only a woman caught in the very act of adultery and deserving of condemnation, but Jesus saw a daughter in need of forgiveness.

The world saw only a robber crucified as a common thief, but Jesus saw a lost soul worth dying for.

As of today...

The world sees only the alcoholic lost and groping in the darkness, but let me see he/she as someone whose life can be restored.

The world sees only the Christian leader that has stumbled badly and fallen before the eyes of so many, but let me see he/she as someone who is still worthy of His grace and mercy in time of need.

The world sees only the prostitute standing on the corner at Geylang street, but i see a little girl who was sexually abused and desperate for a father's love.

The world sees only a pimp that is terrifying, but let me see him as someone who is worth Christ dying for.

The world sees only the rebellious teenager waiting to end his or her life, but let me see it as someone who has never been accepted and staring for approval.

The world sees only the capabilities, achievements and outer appearance, but let me see people as vessels, fearfully and wonderfully made, created in the image of God.

The world sees a man who is always anxious and depressed, but let me see him as a brother who is struggling to survive and needing the support and encouragement of others.

The world sees only the throwaways in prison, the cripple, the poor, the homeless, but let me see them as precious souls that have yet to be invited to the banqueting table.

Let me be your ambassador, minster and co-labourer, and to remember that I was first your child, workmanship, temple, beloved and vessel, chosen and favored.

Lord, let me be the one that you confides in (Psalm 25:14), make known to me your covenant, tell me what's in your heart, and let the holy spirit inspires my serving. 

Building a relationship isn't easy. It requires diligence, discipline, communication, patience, trust and time. To not compromise on spending time with Him in His word and in prayer. One day, it will all be worthwhile.


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