
Showing posts from July, 2015

Jesus I live/Thank You Lord Mash up (Hope Church Singapore)

Amazed by how God brought us together to encourage and build each other up. Reminded of His abundant grace despite my failures and past mistakes. Romans 5;20 But where sin increased, grace increased all the more,

When life doesn't make sense...

Had my second dialect LG being the guitarist. Super honored and glad to be able to serve You in such ways, looking at the elderly coming together to praise and sing love song to you. My dream is to be a guitarist for You, bringing people into worship... Once again encouraged by the testimony shared by the teacher, Mdm Christine Lam. She have 2 sons and she prayed for the third child to be a daughter. God granted her and she was so delightful! She even checked twice with the doctor during baby-scan and right after she gave birth.  However, 5 months later, her new-born daughter is diagnosed with a medical disease, causing her to be bed-ridden for the rest of her life, and being mentally retarded, not able to speak a single word. As what most people would initially react, she blamed God and questioned why did God gave her a daughter half-heatedly. Every night her daughter's bed would be filled with tears and tormented pain.... I was holding back my tears while she shared. It...

summer break's love

Wrapped the flowers all by myself. HAHA took pride in it. Wonder why were we often mistaken as real sisters... Throwback to our Cambodia trip 2 years ago.. Guess she might never get to read this.. Only in my personal blog will I dare to write down my true and vulnerable thoughts about her.... Dear Nat, Meeting you 2 years ago for our Cambodia trip to me is never a coincidence, but a divine appointment.. Knew that God placed this friendship so that I could be a blessing to you... How many times I look at you, thinking this lady I'm talking to is such a beautiful child of God,  who has so much potential in Him.  Living her life full out for Jesus, with her heart full of passion and love for Christ, like how she used to be in Youth. How I wished I could have the courage to just tell her to let go of her past hurts or regrets she'd experienced in the church ministry, and to cling on to what Jesus have in store for her,  and who Jesus is.  Praying for m...

Persecution and suffering

Finally had sometime to pen down my thoughts..  Straight after conference i was called to share to my family about my faith. I was highly  frustrated by the spiritual apathy I was seeing in my family.   It was an accumulation of events and arguments that added on to some sense of injustice that was growing in my heart.  What made it all the more infuriating was that I couldn’t find anyone to point fingers at apart from my own lack of deliberation in bring them closer to Christ.  Why do I get to rejoice in the matters of God without my heart getting broken at those who do not?   And on that Sunday night I was tearing up while singing "lord i give u my heart..", c rying out in desperation that my whole family will be saved.  There's no other way but through Jesus, relying on my own strength alone is impossible, but only through divine partnership.. God, please send people to speak your love and grace into them for I am inadequate in ...