
Showing posts from June, 2014

first visible fruit im thankful for

been sowing on many people since I know God. My sisters, nat, ruifen, heinrich, lili, Sabrina, and the list goes on. know that through my words and action, and the help of God, they are drawn towards Christ someway or another. But Pengyan is the first fruit I saw so evidently wanting to cross the line of faith and her desire for God is so great! Wow. truly is God who can touch people's heart in such an extend. never wanna forget this testimony. First fruit for supernatural pioneering at MDIS! PRAISE THE LORD! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU JESUS! :D I'm so so grateful to you. Continue to use me as a vessel in my family Lord. 2 years later I wanna be thanking you for saving my sis and mum as well!

STM cambodia continued

Kids colouring and cutting. Fun craft work together Free breakfast every morning for village kids. so giving. :'')   writing what they love. WHOA! built a volleyball court all by ourselves. and learnt that as we go deep into the roots, more weeds will be pluck out. so for our relationship with God! as we draw closer and deeper with him, more weeds(sins) are pluck out as well when the holy spirit poke us. Prodigal son skit. wellact Be like a tree! Thankful for these 2 girls. and to led this team. :) they are so excited for obstacles games! visiting the farm! first day, playing eagles and chicks. the eager is tired. hahahaha! cause mother hen has such long arms! last day at village, sunday school. draw the Samaritan story for the kids to understand! baby goat! so cute! first day, soccer with kids! wake up at 5am to prepare breakfast! working hard! they are able to discern their shepherd voice! what ab...

STM to cambodia

this is gonna be a very long post. My very first stm trip! I went to Phnom Pehn last year during summer break as well! but the purpose is so different. It was an OCIP trip and I left the place feeling more sad than usual, feeling that the help and joy I gave them were only temporary. But this time, going there as a missionary is so different! :D I know that our team didn't leave something temporary there, but something permanent, which is the love and the word of God. My first time leading a team! So exciting and fearful at the same time. But I know the spirit is within me, and Dad is watching over me! Pre STM trip: Rare times when a team has no idea where to go and asked YWAM staff for help. We prayed together as a team and God closes door and opened a specific door to Cambodia! So divine that even though we only had 3 weeks preparation instead of 3 months, we managed to prepare everything we need there. Though it was a bit rush and everything was not fully read...