
Showing posts from January, 2014


2013: Jan & Feb : ChinGay, started volunteering at Y-springclean March: Jasmine, Hui Xuan and Cheryl A level results May: Cambodia June, July, August: Work with my second sister, push cart, prologue Sep: a sheep, Sabrina, Steffen, guang chao fu first service, soccer IFG Oct: stella first time joining our church event Nov: first day of reading week, first time outreach in SMU with wenmin Dec: parents know the truth of me going church 2014 new year resolution: 1. Serve by connecting to people, loving them and worship lead. 2. more mature --> non-judgemental, responsible with school work and ministry (be punctual), patient with people (esp towards people that are late), keeping my heart and motive pure before speaking, "do not discipline someone unless it is out of love." 3. more Christ like --> in family, find any opportunities to bring out the love of God, be a salt and light at home; *Bring up Water Bap when time is ready* 4. Pioneer at least 10 per...

Pioneering in year two sem 2.

recently met up jiajia for shepherding.. she said she sees me as a pillar of support for the lg, something that I never knew.. I shall be a pillar that is strong and firm for God and His people.. so many things going through my head,, Geraldine, still rmb how you connect to Pam? the effort and time you put in? give to sher the same way u gave to pam! jiajia told me she kinda give up or her and don't see her as her sheep anymore.. Know jiajia is just being harsh with words but she definitely doesn't mean this way.. every single one matters to God.. Matthew 18;12 "If a man has a hundred sheep and one of them wanders away, what will he do? Won't he leave the ninety-nine others on the hills and go out to search for the one that is lost? Luke 15:4 "Suppose one of you has a hundred sheep and loses one of them. Doesn't he leave the ninety-nine in the open country and go after the lost sheep until he finds it?" God mentioned the same thing twice, this is how muc...

December 2013,20th birthday

photo credits to Fira! finally met up with her before school starts!  with sisters, celebrating Christmas and birthday at resort with relatives and family gift from er jie. (: blessed..   With le BFF ontheway to aquarium      birthday gift from hayati    cupcake an bday cards from yvoone and huiwei!    from my sister, linda :')   nice Christmas décor at town!  watch from my family!!  cupcake bake by Bff! handmade pillows by Bff as well! another miracle to thank God for.. Stella, met her through my smu interview 2 years ago.. kept in contact in hope to sow on her.. but after knowing her better.. realised that she is a very strong Buddhist.. at times I asked God what should I do? rely a lot on God for opportunity to point her to you.. Dad, I know, if I asked anything according to your will, You will listen. and He did! while I'm in the midst of per...

Cost of being a christian

actually posted something similar around 1 year ago, in 2012.. how scared I was to let my parents know that I'm a Christian due to persecution. I always imaged my mum threatening to kill herself or chase me out of the house, hitting me until I swear that I'm not going to church.. know this is kinda exaggerating.. but I know my mum very well, and have seen her lose her temper before.. from scolding vulgarities to screaming words that hurts.. after reflecting upon what happened, I have to say that God's plan is higher than my plan, his way is higher than my way.. Isaiah 55:8-9 8  “For my thoughts are not your thoughts,      neither are your ways my ways,” declares the Lord . 9  “As the heavens are higher than the earth,      so are my ways higher than your ways      and my thoughts than your thoughts. I always wonder when my parents will know, and how will that day be like.. God has been preparing ...