
Showing posts from July, 2013

My defining chapters.

Defining Chapters #1 insecurities I was extremely rebellious during my secondary school period. I was addicted to gaming, not interested in studies and do things that does not honour my parents (including pointing middle finger at them, don't judge me uh! ) Vulgarities is a norm for me. I started to question myself what is the purpose in life. I was a very unforgiving person, still remember how I threw my friend's textbook away just because I was pissed with her. I never had real joy. #2 A joyful heart My life was transform inside out when my friend brought me to church. I choose take a step of faith to trust in him. I found unconditional love from God which I never believe existed. He is real, he is so so real in  my life. I still remember asking God for help to turn away from my sins, and miraculously I stopped saying vulgarities almost instantly which most people will take a long while to quit this bad habit. I started putting in more effort for studies to glorify God and ...

Uni Camp 2013

 This camp has impacted me so much as compared to last year :) THE CHAPTER OF GLORY AND LEGACY Every life will tells a story, what's yours? One generation later, the legacy of noble human beings are usually forgotten. Only spiritual legacy will last. Thus, is not whether if people remember you, but is if they remember Jesus. Faith takes practice to stand firm when problems come. Don't wait till you "get there" then u start building strong relationship with Christ. Have the voluntarily humility to seek God and need him despite being all well to do. James 4:6 : God opposes the proud but give grace to the humble God is more interested in your heart than your skills. THE CHAPTER OF LOVE, ROMANCE, AND ALL THAT HEART-RACING STUFF God is the author of love. Let Him write my love story. He is a giver and wants to bless :) "Seek first his kingdom and righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well" Being with a non-believer, think about values and...