My defining chapters.
Defining Chapters #1 insecurities I was extremely rebellious during my secondary school period. I was addicted to gaming, not interested in studies and do things that does not honour my parents (including pointing middle finger at them, don't judge me uh! ) Vulgarities is a norm for me. I started to question myself what is the purpose in life. I was a very unforgiving person, still remember how I threw my friend's textbook away just because I was pissed with her. I never had real joy. #2 A joyful heart My life was transform inside out when my friend brought me to church. I choose take a step of faith to trust in him. I found unconditional love from God which I never believe existed. He is real, he is so so real in my life. I still remember asking God for help to turn away from my sins, and miraculously I stopped saying vulgarities almost instantly which most people will take a long while to quit this bad habit. I started putting in more effort for studies to glorify God and ...